00001 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00002 // Filename : CubitOctree.hpp 00003 //CubitOctree 00004 // Purpose : CubitOctree model of the input solids/surfaces is generated. 00005 // 00006 // 00007 // Creator : William Roshan Quadros 00008 // 00009 // Creation Date : 09/01/2013 00010 // 00011 // Owner : 00012 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00013 #ifndef CUBITOCTREE_H 00014 #define CUBITOCTREE_H 00015 00016 #include "CubitVector.hpp" 00017 #include "CubitOctreeConstants.hpp" 00018 #include "DLIList.hpp" 00019 #include "CubitDefines.h" 00020 00021 00022 class RefVolume; 00023 class RefVolume; 00024 class RefFace; 00025 class RefEdge; 00026 class RefVertex; 00027 00028 00029 class CubitOctreeNode; 00030 class CubitOctreeCell; 00031 class FaceAdjacency; 00032 class VertexFaceIncident; 00033 class CubitFacet; 00034 class CubitFacetEdge; 00035 class FacetEntity; 00036 class CubitPoint; 00037 class CubitBox; 00038 class TDSkeletonCubitPoint; 00039 class CubitOctreeGenerator; 00040 class OctreeFacetPointData; 00041 00042 00043 // Generation of CubitOctree model of the CAD model: 00044 // Graphics Facets are used to detect curvature changes in surface and curves. 00045 // Vertices and Centroid of the Facets are used to generate the CubitOctree. 00046 // Bounding Box of the facets, Edge Length etc can be used. 00047 // Each Cell is made to contain only one point. 00048 00049 class CubitOctree 00050 { 00051 00052 public: 00053 00054 CubitOctree( CubitOctreeGenerator *lattice_gen ); 00055 //- Constructor 00056 00057 virtual ~CubitOctree(); 00058 //- Distructor 00059 00060 void release_memory( void ); 00061 //- clears the memory for assembly 00062 00063 inline int get_max_depth( void){ return maxDepth;} 00064 inline int get_min_depth( void){ return minDepth;} 00065 inline void set_max_depth( int max_depth ) { maxDepth = max_depth; } 00066 inline void set_min_depth( int min_depth ) { minDepth = min_depth; } 00067 00068 inline DLIList<CubitOctreeNode*> *get_whitenodelist( void ){ return &boundaryWhiteGridNodeList; } 00069 00070 inline DLIList<CubitOctreeCell*> *get_greycelllist( void ){ return &greyCellList; } 00071 00072 inline DLIList<CubitOctreeCell*> *get_blackcelllist() {return &blackCellList;} 00073 00074 inline DLIList<CubitOctreeNode*> *get_gridnodevector( void ){ return &gridNodeVector; } 00075 00076 inline void set_status_octree_coloring( CubitBoolean type ){ statusCubitOctreeColoring = type; } 00077 00078 // Methods related to CubitOctree Generation 00079 inline CubitOctreeCell *get_root( void ){ return root; } 00080 00081 void color_octreecell( void ); 00082 //- NOTE: during CubitOctree generation only the points at the facets are marked white and black 00083 //- during mat generation whole interior points are colored BLACK and the later the cells' are colored 00084 //- Identifies boundary (GREY), interior (BLACK) and exterior cells (WHITE) 00085 00086 00087 CubitOctreeCell *find_octreecell( const CubitVector &pnt ); 00088 //- Returns a cell containing point pnt 00089 00090 CubitBoolean initialize_octree_generation( void ); 00091 //- Initializes the root cell which is equal to bbox 00092 00093 CubitBoolean build_octree_till_min_depth( CubitOctreeCell *ptr_cell ); 00094 //- Builds the CubitOctree till the minimum depth 00095 00096 CubitBoolean subdivide_octree_cell( CubitOctreeCell *ptr_cell, DLIList<CubitOctreeNode*> *ptr_queue, int max_depth); 00097 //- subdivides the cell 00098 00099 CubitBoolean subdivide_octree_based_on_facet_point( OctreeFacetPointData *ptr_facet_point_data, int max_depth ); 00100 //- use the facet center and vertices to subdivide the CubitOctree 00101 00102 double size_at_a_point( const CubitVector &point, int size_type ); 00103 00104 CubitPointContainment point_containment( CubitVector tmp_vec, double tolerance ); 00105 00106 00107 inline double get_max_size_grid_node( void ){ return maxSizeGridNode; } 00108 //- Returns maximum size 00109 00110 inline double get_min_size_grid_node( void ) const{ return minSizeGridNode; } 00111 //- Returns minimum size 00112 00113 void display( const int mode, int opt = 0 ); 00114 //- Display of CubitOctree 00115 00116 00117 // For better 3D medial resolution near adjacent surfaces with a large dihedral angle (outward normals) between them, 00118 // CubitOctree cells intersecting with the shared curve can be refined to the maximum allowable depth. 00119 // First call find_cells... to build the list of cells to refine, then call refine_cells_to_target_depth on them 00120 CubitBoolean find_cells_based_on_surface_angle(DLIList<CubitOctreeCell*> &refine_cell_list, DLIList<CubitFacetEdge*> &crease_edges, 00121 DLIList<CubitFacet*> &crease_facets, RefFace *one, RefFace *two, 00122 const CubitBoolean draw_facets=CUBIT_FALSE, double dihedral_angle_thresh=CUBIT_PI/2.0); 00123 00124 00125 CubitBoolean find_octree_cells_contained_inside_bbox( CubitFacet *ptr_facet, DLIList<CubitOctreeCell*> &CubitOctree_cell_list ); 00126 00127 //- output: CubitOctree cells which intersect with the bbox are stored in CubitOctree_cell_list 00128 00129 CubitBoolean mark_positive_and_negative_octree_grid_nodes( CubitFacet *ptr_facet, DLIList<CubitOctreeCell*> &CubitOctree_cell_list, DLIList< CubitOctreeNode *> &CubitOctree_grid_node_list ); 00130 00131 //- output: the nodes of cells that intersect with the bbox are stored in octee_cell_list 00132 00133 CubitBoolean find_intersection_between_grid_edges_and_facet( CubitOctreeType type, RefFace *ptr_face, CubitFacet *ptr_facet, DLIList<CubitOctreeNode *> &CubitOctree_grid_node_list ); 00134 //- finds intersection between line segment (edge ) incident at every grid_node contained inside bbox and triangle ( facet) 00135 00136 00137 void find_cell_list_intersecting_line_segment(const CubitVector &p0, const CubitVector &p1, DLIList<CubitOctreeCell*> &cell_list); 00138 //- returns the list of CubitOctree cells intersecting with line segment defined by end points 00139 00140 double get_scaled_from_wrld_size_grid_node( double wrld_size ); 00141 00142 00143 static double capsule_distance_to_facet(const CubitVector &point, CubitFacet *lp_facet, CubitVector &int_point, CubitBoolean use_projection_only = CUBIT_FALSE); 00144 00145 CubitBoolean establish_smooth_transition_of_cells( int max_depth ); 00146 00147 private: 00148 00149 inline CubitBoolean apd_vector_item( CubitOctreeNode *ptr_grid_node ); 00150 //- appends the ptr_grid_node in the CubitOctreeNodeList 00151 00152 double calculate_depth_based_on_size( double size ); 00153 00154 inline double get_bbox_dimension( void ){ return bboxDimension; } 00155 00156 00157 00158 void refine_cells_to_target_depth(DLIList<CubitOctreeCell*> &refine_cell_list, const int target_depth); 00159 00160 // To optimize intersection between facet and CubitOctree cells, all the cells not intersecting with the plance containing facet are removed 00161 // The nodes are marked with +ve or -ve half space info before calling this function 00162 CubitBoolean mark_cells_that_intersect_facet_plane( /*CubitFacet *ptr_facet,*/ DLIList<CubitOctreeCell*> &CubitOctree_cell_list ); 00163 00164 // Stores the CubitOctree cells intersecting with the facet 00165 CubitBoolean unmark_octree_cells_not_intersecting_with_facet( CubitFacet *ptr_facet, DLIList<CubitOctreeCell *> &CubitOctree_cell_list ); 00166 00167 //- CubitOctree is subdivided till skeleton max depth if size or scope of source entity is less than the dimention of 00168 //- the cell containing it. 00169 00170 CubitBoolean subdivide_octree_from_leaf_cell( CubitOctreeCell *ptr_cell, OctreeFacetPointData *ptr_facet_point_data, int max_depth ); 00171 00172 //- subdivides the CubitOctree starting from ptr_cell such that the ptr_new_point is contained in a uniue cell 00173 //- if the maxDepth is not reached. 00174 00175 void gather_initial_grid_nodes_for_smooth_transition( DLIList<CubitOctreeNode *> &queue ); 00176 //- queue hold potential nodes which has more than or equal to 2 cell depth difference 00177 00178 00179 //- establishes smooth transition by keeping adjacent cells differing by 1 level 00180 00181 //CubitBoolean find_intersection_between_octree_and_facets( DLIList<CubitOctreeNode *> &queue_for_mat_generation ); 00182 //- Finds the intersection between the CubitOctree line segments and the facets 00183 00184 void reset_internal_node_size( float value, int type ); 00185 //- Resets the node size with value 00186 00187 void find_radius_at_boundary_node( void ); 00188 00189 00190 00191 void find_max_min_size_grid_node_for_scaling( void ); 00192 //- Finds maximum and minimum size used for scaling. 00193 00194 00195 00196 static CubitStatus circumcenter(CubitVector &a, CubitVector &b, CubitVector &c, CubitVector ¢er, double &radius); 00197 /* 00198 void build_boundary_white_node_list( void ); 00199 //- Uses grey CubitOctrees to find white boundary grid nodes; 00200 */ 00201 00202 00203 void prepare_for_background_mesh(); 00204 // performs necessary actions on CubitOctree to make way for background mesh 00205 00206 #ifndef NDEBUG 00207 00208 void write_sizing_info_file( const char *file_name ); 00209 //- Writes sizing function at grid nodes to a file 00210 00211 void write_octree_sizing_info_file( const char *file_name ); 00212 //- Writes sizing function stored in the CubitOctree on to a file. 00213 00214 void write_matlab_sizing_info_file( const char *file_name ); 00215 //- Writes sizing function stored in the CubitOctree for visualization in matlab 00216 00217 #endif 00218 00219 private: 00220 00221 CubitBoolean statusCubitOctreeColoring; 00222 00223 00224 //- Maximum and minimum radius of source points and grid node 00225 //- this is used in scaling the source points between 1 and 10 for display purpose 00226 00227 double bboxMinY; // minY 00228 double bboxMaxY; // maxY 00229 double bboxMaxZ; // maxZ 00230 double bboxMinZ; // minZ 00231 double bboxMaxX; // maxX 00232 double bboxMinX; // minX 00233 //- Limits of the bounding box of the volume 00234 00235 CubitOctreeCell *root; 00236 //- Root of the CubitOctree 00237 00238 CubitVector bboxCenter; 00239 //- Center of the bounding box 00240 00241 double bboxDimension; 00242 //- Dimension of the bounding box 00243 00244 double epsilonBBox; 00245 //- Actual bounding box is enlarged by epsilon_bbox in all directions 00246 00247 DLIList<CubitOctreeCell *> greyCellList; 00248 //- List of boundary CubitOctrees 00249 00250 DLIList<CubitOctreeCell*> blackCellList; 00251 //- List of internal CubitOctree cells 00252 00253 DLIList<CubitOctreeNode *> boundaryWhiteGridNodeList; 00254 //- List of white nodes of grey cells 00255 00256 DLIList <CubitOctreeNode *> gridNodeVector; 00257 //- Grid Nodes of CubitOctree 00258 00259 DLIList <CubitOctreeNode*> greyGridNodeVector; 00260 00261 00262 CubitOctreeGenerator *cubitOctreeGenerator; 00263 00264 00265 double maxSizeGridNode; 00266 double minSizeGridNode; 00267 00268 int minDepth; 00269 int maxDepth; 00270 00271 }; 00272 00273 #endif 00274 00275 //EOF 00276 00277