MOAB: Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.4.1)
moab::HiReconstruction Class Reference

#include <HiReconstruction.hpp>

+ Collaboration diagram for moab::HiReconstruction:

Public Member Functions

 HiReconstruction (Core *impl, ParallelComm *comm=0, EntityHandle meshIn=0, int minpnts=5, bool recwhole=true)
 ~HiReconstruction ()
ErrorCode initialize (bool recwhole)
ErrorCode reconstruct3D_surf_geom (int degree, bool interp, bool safeguard, bool reset=false)
 Reconstruct a high order surface on given surface mesh.
ErrorCode reconstruct3D_surf_geom (size_t npts, int *degrees, bool *interps, bool safeguard, bool reset=false)
 Reconstruct a high order surface on given surface mesh.
ErrorCode reconstruct3D_curve_geom (int degree, bool interp, bool safeguard, bool reset=false)
 Reconstruct a high order curve on given curve mesh.
ErrorCode reconstruct3D_curve_geom (size_t npts, int *degrees, bool *interps, bool safeguard, bool reset=false)
 Reconstruct a high order curve on given curve mesh.
ErrorCode polyfit3d_walf_surf_vertex (const EntityHandle vid, const bool interp, int degree, int minpnts, const bool safeguard, const int ncoords, double *coords, int *degree_out, const int ncoeffs, double *coeffs)
 Construct vertex based polynomial fitting on a surface mesh.
ErrorCode polyfit3d_walf_curve_vertex (const EntityHandle vid, const bool interp, int degree, int minpnts, const bool safeguard, const int ncoords, double *coords, int *degree_out, const int ncoeffs, double *coeffs)
 Construct vertex based polynomial fitting on a curve mesh.
ErrorCode hiproj_walf_in_element (EntityHandle elem, const int nvpe, const int npts2fit, const double *naturalcoords2fit, double *newcoords)
 Perform high order projection of points in an element, using estimated geometry by reconstruction class.
ErrorCode hiproj_walf_around_vertex (EntityHandle vid, const int npts2fit, const double *coords2fit, double *hiproj_new)
 Perform high order projection of points around a vertex, using estimated geometry by reconstruction class.
void walf3d_surf_vertex_eval (const double *local_origin, const double *local_coords, const int local_deg, const double *local_coeffs, const bool interp, const int npts2fit, const double *coords2fit, double *hiproj_new)
 Perform high order projection of points around a center vertex, assume geometry is surface.
void walf3d_curve_vertex_eval (const double *local_origin, const double *local_coords, const int local_deg, const double *local_coeffs, const bool interp, const int npts2fit, const double *coords2fit, double *hiproj_new)
 Perform high order projection of points around a center vertex, assume geometry is curve.
bool get_fittings_data (EntityHandle vid, GEOMTYPE &geomtype, std::vector< double > &coords, int &degree_out, std::vector< double > &coeffs, bool &interp)
 Get interally stored fitting results.

Static Public Member Functions

static int estimate_num_ghost_layers (int degree, bool interp=false)

Protected Member Functions

 HiReconstruction (const HiReconstruction &source)
HiReconstructionoperator= (const HiReconstruction &right)
int estimate_num_rings (int degree, bool interp)
ErrorCode vertex_get_incident_elements (const EntityHandle &vid, const int elemdim, std::vector< EntityHandle > &adjents)
 Given a vertex, return the incident elements with dimension elemdim.
ErrorCode obtain_nring_ngbvs (const EntityHandle vid, int ring, const int minpnts, Range &ngbvs)
 Get n-ring neighbor vertices, assuming curve/surface mesh, not volume mesh.
void initialize_surf_geom (const int degree)
void initialize_surf_geom (const size_t npts, const int *degrees)
void initialize_3Dcurve_geom (const int degree)
void initialize_3Dcurve_geom (const size_t npts, const int *degrees)
ErrorCode average_vertex_normal (const EntityHandle vid, double *nrm)
ErrorCode compute_average_vertex_normals_surf ()
ErrorCode get_normals_surf (const Range &vertsh, double *nrms)
ErrorCode average_vertex_tangent (const EntityHandle vid, double *tang)
ErrorCode compute_average_vertex_tangents_curve ()
ErrorCode get_tangents_curve (const Range &vertsh, double *tangs)
void polyfit3d_surf_get_coeff (const int nverts, const double *ngbcors, const double *ngbnrms, int degree, const bool interp, const bool safeguard, const int ncoords, double *coords, const int ncoeffs, double *coeffs, int *degree_out, int *degree_pnt, int *degree_qr)
 Compute local coordinates system of a vertex, and perform vertex based polynomial fittings of local height function.
void eval_vander_bivar_cmf (const int npts2fit, const double *us, const int ndim, double *bs, int degree, const double *ws, const bool interp, const bool safeguard, int *degree_out, int *degree_pnt, int *degree_qr)
 Form and solve Vandermonde system of bi-variables.
void polyfit3d_curve_get_coeff (const int nverts, const double *ngbcors, const double *ngbtangs, int degree, const bool interp, const bool safeguard, const int ncoords, double *coords, const int ncoeffs, double *coeffs, int *degree_out)
 Compute local single variable coordinate system of a vertex, and perform vertex based polynomial fittings of three global coordinates axis.
void eval_vander_univar_cmf (const int npts2fit, const double *us, const int ndim, double *bs, int degree, const double *ws, const bool interp, const bool safeguard, int *degree_out)
 Form and solve Vandermonde system of single-variables.
int compute_weights (const int nrows, const int ncols, const double *us, const int nngbs, const double *ngbnrms, const int degree, const double toler, double *ws)
 Compute weights for points selected in weighted least square fittigns.
bool check_barycentric_coords (const int nws, const double *naturalcoords)
 Check the correctness of barycentric coordination, wi>=0 and sum(wi)=1.

Protected Attributes

EntityHandle _mesh2rec
Range _verts2rec
Range _inverts
Range _inedges
Range _infaces
Range _incells
size_t _nv2rec
double _MINEPS
bool _hasderiv
int _dim
bool _hasfittings
bool _initfittings
std::vector< double > _local_coords
std::vector< double > _local_fit_coeffs
std::vector< size_t > _vertID2coeffID
std::vector< int > _degrees_out
std::vector< bool > _interps

Detailed Description

Definition at line 39 of file HiReconstruction.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

moab::HiReconstruction::HiReconstruction ( Core impl,
ParallelComm comm = 0,
EntityHandle  meshIn = 0,
int  minpnts = 5,
bool  recwhole = true 

Definition at line 18 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

References _dim, _hasderiv, _hasfittings, _MINEPS, moab::error(), ErrorCode, moab::ParallelComm::get_pcomm(), initialize(), MB_SUCCESS, mbImpl, and pcomm.

    : mbImpl( impl ), pcomm( comm ), _mesh2rec( meshIn ), _MINPNTS( minpnts )
    assert( NULL != impl );
    ErrorCode error;
    _MINEPS      = 1e-12;
    _dim         = 0;
    _hasfittings = false;
    _hasderiv    = false;
    if( !pcomm )
        pcomm = moab::ParallelComm::get_pcomm( mbImpl, 0 );

    error = initialize( recwhole );
    if( MB_SUCCESS != error )
        std::cout << "Error initializing HiReconstruction\n" << std::endl;
        exit( 1 );

Definition at line 42 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

References ahf.

    ahf = NULL;
    delete ahf;

Member Function Documentation

ErrorCode moab::HiReconstruction::average_vertex_normal ( const EntityHandle  vid,
double *  nrm 
) [protected]

Save fitting results of a vertex into internal storage

vidEntityHandle, a vertex in _mesh2rec, in _verts2rec
coordsPointer to double array, global coordinates of local uvw coordinate system axis directions
degree_outInteger, order of polynomial fittings for vid
coeffsPointer to double array, coefficients of local polynomial fittings in monomial basis
interpBoolean, true = interpolation Compute area weighted average vertex normals for given vertex, assuming surface mesh For arbitrary polygon mesh, use incident two edges of each incident polygon of this vertex to form a triangle, then use these incident "triangles" to compute area weighted average vertex normals
vidEntityHandle, vertex in _mesh2rec, might be ghost vertex
nrmPointer to 3-doubles array, preallocated by user

Definition at line 841 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

References moab::error(), ErrorCode, moab::Core::get_connectivity(), moab::Core::get_coords(), MB_CHK_ERR, MB_SET_ERR, mbImpl, moab::DGMSolver::vec_crossprod(), moab::DGMSolver::vec_linear_operation(), moab::DGMSolver::vec_normalize(), and vertex_get_incident_elements().

Referenced by compute_average_vertex_normals_surf(), and get_normals_surf().

    ErrorCode error;
    std::vector< EntityHandle > adjfaces;
    error = vertex_get_incident_elements( vid, 2, adjfaces );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
    int npolys = adjfaces.size();
    if( !npolys )
        MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Vertex has no incident 2D entities" );
        double v1[3], v2[3], v3[3], a[3], b[3], c[3];
        nrm[0] = nrm[1] = nrm[2] = 0;
        for( int i = 0; i < npolys; ++i )
            // get incident "triangles"
            std::vector< EntityHandle > elemconn;
            error = mbImpl->get_connectivity( &adjfaces[i], 1, elemconn );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
            EntityHandle pre, nxt;
            int nvpe = elemconn.size();
            for( int j = 0; j < nvpe; ++j )
                if( vid == elemconn[j] )
                    pre = j == 0 ? elemconn[nvpe - 1] : elemconn[j - 1];
                    nxt = elemconn[( j + 1 ) % nvpe];
            // compute area weighted normals
            error = mbImpl->get_coords( &pre, 1, a );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
            error = mbImpl->get_coords( &vid, 1, b );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
            error = mbImpl->get_coords( &nxt, 1, c );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
            DGMSolver::vec_linear_operation( 3, 1, c, -1, b, v1 );
            DGMSolver::vec_linear_operation( 3, 1, a, -1, b, v2 );
            DGMSolver::vec_crossprod( v1, v2, v3 );
            DGMSolver::vec_linear_operation( 3, 1, nrm, 1, v3, nrm );
#ifndef NDEBUG
        assert( DGMSolver::vec_normalize( 3, nrm, nrm ) );
    return error;
ErrorCode moab::HiReconstruction::average_vertex_tangent ( const EntityHandle  vid,
double *  tang 
) [protected]

Compute area weighted average vertex tangent vector for given vertex, assuming curve mesh Use incident two edges of vertex as estimatation of tangent vectors, weighted by length

vidEntityHandle, vertex in _mesh2rec, might be ghost vertex
tangPointer to 3-doubles array, preallocated by user

Definition at line 943 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

References moab::error(), ErrorCode, moab::Core::get_connectivity(), moab::Core::get_coords(), MB_CHK_ERR, MB_SET_ERR, mbImpl, t, moab::DGMSolver::vec_linear_operation(), moab::DGMSolver::vec_normalize(), and vertex_get_incident_elements().

Referenced by compute_average_vertex_tangents_curve(), and get_tangents_curve().

    ErrorCode error;
    std::vector< EntityHandle > adjedges;
    error = vertex_get_incident_elements( vid, 1, adjedges );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
    int nedges = adjedges.size();
    if( !nedges )
        MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Vertex has no incident edges" );
        assert( nedges <= 2 );
        tang[0] = tang[1] = tang[2] = 0;
        for( int i = 0; i < nedges; ++i )
            std::vector< EntityHandle > edgeconn;
            error = mbImpl->get_connectivity( &adjedges[i], 1, edgeconn );
            double istr[3], iend[3], t[3];
            error = mbImpl->get_coords( &( edgeconn[0] ), 1, istr );
            error = mbImpl->get_coords( &( edgeconn[1] ), 1, iend );
            DGMSolver::vec_linear_operation( 3, 1, iend, -1, istr, t );
            DGMSolver::vec_linear_operation( 3, 1, tang, 1, t, tang );
#ifndef NDEBUG
        assert( DGMSolver::vec_normalize( 3, tang, tang ) );
    return error;
bool moab::HiReconstruction::check_barycentric_coords ( const int  nws,
const double *  naturalcoords 
) [protected]

Check the correctness of barycentric coordination, wi>=0 and sum(wi)=1.

Definition at line 1593 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

References _MINEPS, and moab::sum().

Referenced by hiproj_walf_in_element().

    double sum = 0;
    for( int i = 0; i < nws; ++i )
        if( naturalcoords[i] < -_MINEPS )
            return false;
        sum += naturalcoords[i];
    if( fabs( 1 - sum ) > _MINEPS )
        return false;
        return true;

Compute weighted average vertex normals for all vertices in _verts2rec, not including ghost vertices, results are stored interally in _local_coords

Definition at line 887 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

References _hasderiv, _local_coords, _nv2rec, _verts2rec, average_vertex_normal(), moab::Range::begin(), moab::Range::end(), moab::error(), ErrorCode, MB_CHK_ERR, and MB_SUCCESS.

Referenced by initialize(), and initialize_surf_geom().

    if( _hasderiv )
        return MB_SUCCESS;
    ErrorCode error;
    _local_coords.assign( 9 * _nv2rec, 0 );
    size_t index = 0;
    for( Range::iterator ivert = _verts2rec.begin(); ivert != _verts2rec.end(); ++ivert, ++index )
        error = average_vertex_normal( *ivert, &( _local_coords[9 * index + 6] ) );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
    return error;

Compute weighted average vertex tangent vectors for all vertices in _verts2rec, not including ghost vertices, results are stored interally in _local_coords

Definition at line 974 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

References _hasderiv, _local_coords, _nv2rec, _verts2rec, average_vertex_tangent(), moab::Range::begin(), moab::Range::end(), moab::error(), ErrorCode, MB_CHK_ERR, and MB_SUCCESS.

Referenced by initialize(), and initialize_3Dcurve_geom().

    if( _hasderiv )
        return MB_SUCCESS;
    ErrorCode error;
    _local_coords.assign( 3 * _nv2rec, 0 );
    size_t index = 0;
    for( Range::iterator ivert = _verts2rec.begin(); ivert != _verts2rec.end(); ++ivert, ++index )
        error = average_vertex_tangent( *ivert, &( _local_coords[3 * index] ) );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
    return error;
int moab::HiReconstruction::compute_weights ( const int  nrows,
const int  ncols,
const double *  us,
const int  nngbs,
const double *  ngbnrms,
const int  degree,
const double  toler,
double *  ws 
) [protected]

Compute weights for points selected in weighted least square fittigns.

Definition at line 1544 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

References _MAXPNTS, and moab::DGMSolver::vec_innerprod().

Referenced by polyfit3d_curve_get_coeff(), and polyfit3d_surf_get_coeff().

    assert( nrows <= _MAXPNTS && ws );
    bool interp = false;
    if( nngbs != nrows )
        assert( nngbs == nrows + 1 );
        interp = true;
    double epsilon = 1e-2;

    // First, compute squared distance from each input piont to the center
    for( int i = 0; i < nrows; ++i )
        ws[i] = DGMSolver::vec_innerprod( ncols, us + i * ncols, us + i * ncols );

    // Second, compute a small correction termt o guard against zero
    double h = 0;
    for( int i = 0; i < nrows; ++i )
        h += ws[i];
    h /= (double)nrows;

    // Finally, compute the weights for each vertex
    int nzeros = 0;
    for( int i = 0; i < nrows; ++i )
        double costheta = DGMSolver::vec_innerprod( 3, ngbnrms, ngbnrms + 3 * ( i + interp ) );
        if( costheta > toler )
            ws[i] = costheta * pow( ws[i] / h + epsilon, -1 * (double)degree / 2.0 );
            ws[i] = 0;
    return nzeros;
static int moab::HiReconstruction::estimate_num_ghost_layers ( int  degree,
bool  interp = false 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 277 of file HiReconstruction.hpp.

Referenced by load_meshset_hirec().

        return 1 + ( interp ? ( ( degree + 1 ) >> 1 ) + ( ( degree + 1 ) & 1 )
                            : ( ( degree + 2 ) >> 1 ) + ( ( degree + 2 ) & 1 ) );
int moab::HiReconstruction::estimate_num_rings ( int  degree,
bool  interp 
) [protected]

Definition at line 653 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

Referenced by polyfit3d_walf_curve_vertex(), and polyfit3d_walf_surf_vertex().

    return interp ? ( ( degree + 1 ) >> 1 ) + ( ( degree + 1 ) & 1 ) : ( ( degree + 2 ) >> 1 ) + ( ( degree + 2 ) & 1 );
void moab::HiReconstruction::eval_vander_bivar_cmf ( const int  npts2fit,
const double *  us,
const int  ndim,
double *  bs,
int  degree,
const double *  ws,
const bool  interp,
const bool  safeguard,
int *  degree_out,
int *  degree_pnt,
int *  degree_qr 
) [protected]

Form and solve Vandermonde system of bi-variables.

Definition at line 1176 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

References moab::DGMSolver::backsolve(), moab::DGMSolver::backsolve_polyfit_safeguarded(), moab::DGMSolver::compute_qtransposeB(), moab::DGMSolver::gen_vander_multivar(), moab::DGMSolver::qr_polyfit_safeguarded(), rank, moab::DGMSolver::rescale_matrix(), and ts().

Referenced by polyfit3d_surf_get_coeff().

    // step 1. adjust the degree according to number of points to fit
    int ncols = ( ( ( degree + 2 ) * ( degree + 1 ) ) >> 1 ) - interp;
    while( 1 < degree && npts2fit < ncols )
        ncols = ( ( ( degree + 2 ) * ( degree + 1 ) ) >> 1 ) - interp;
    *degree_pnt = degree;

    // std::cout << "degree_pnt: " << *degree_pnt << std::endl;

    // step 2. construct Vandermonde matrix, stored in columnwise
    std::vector< double > V;  // V(npts2fit*(ncols+interp)); //double *V_init = new double[npts2fit*(ncols+interp)];
    DGMSolver::gen_vander_multivar( npts2fit, 2, us, degree, V );
    // remove the first column of 1s if interpolation
    if( interp )
        V.erase( V.begin(), V.begin() + npts2fit );
    /*double* V;
        V = new double[npts2fit*ncols];
        delete [] V_init; V_init = 0;
        V = V_init;

    // step 3. Scale rows to assign different weights to different points
    for( int i = 0; i < npts2fit; ++i )
        for( int j = 0; j < ncols; ++j )
            V[j * npts2fit + i] *= ws[i];
        for( int k = 0; k < ndim; ++k )
            bs[k * npts2fit + i] *= ws[i];

    // step 4. scale columns to reduce condition number
    std::vector< double > ts( ncols );  // double *ts = new double[ncols];
    DGMSolver::rescale_matrix( npts2fit, ncols, &( V[0] ), &( ts[0] ) );

    // step 5. Perform Householder QR factorization
    std::vector< double > D( ncols );  // double *D = new double[ncols];
    int rank;
    DGMSolver::qr_polyfit_safeguarded( npts2fit, ncols, &( V[0] ), &( D[0] ), &rank );

    // step 6. adjust degree of fitting according to rank of Vandermonde matrix
    int ncols_sub = ncols;
    while( rank < ncols_sub )
        if( degree == 0 )
            // surface is flat, return 0
            *degree_out = *degree_qr = degree;
            for( int i = 0; i < npts2fit; ++i )
                for( int k = 0; k < ndim; ++k )
                    bs[k * npts2fit + i] = 0;
            ncols_sub = ( ( ( degree + 2 ) * ( degree + 1 ) ) >> 1 ) - interp;
    *degree_qr = degree;

    // std::cout << "degree_qr: " << *degree_qr << std::endl;

    /* DBG
     * std::cout<<"before Qtb"<<std::endl;
    std::cout<<"bs = "<<std::endl;
    for (int k=0; k< ndim; k++){
        for (int j=0; j<npts2fit; ++j){
        std::cout<<"  "<<bs[npts2fit*k+j]<<std::endl;

    // step 7. compute Q'b
    DGMSolver::compute_qtransposeB( npts2fit, ncols_sub, &( V[0] ), ndim, bs );

    /* DBG
     * std::cout<<"after Qtb"<<std::endl;
    std::cout<<"bs = "<<std::endl;
    for (int k=0; k< ndim; k++){
        for (int j=0; j<npts2fit; ++j){
        std::cout<<"  "<<bs[npts2fit*k+j]<<std::endl;

    // step 8. perform backward substitution and scale the solution
    // assign diagonals of V
    for( int i = 0; i < ncols_sub; ++i )
        V[i * npts2fit + i] = D[i];

    // backsolve
    if( safeguard )
        // for debug
        // std::cout << "ts size " << ts.size() << std::endl;
        DGMSolver::backsolve_polyfit_safeguarded( 2, degree, interp, npts2fit, ncols_sub, &( V[0] ), ndim, bs,
                                                  &( ts[0] ), degree_out );
        DGMSolver::backsolve( npts2fit, ncols_sub, &( V[0] ), 1, bs, &( ts[0] ) );
        *degree_out = degree;
        delete [] V_init;
        delete [] V;
void moab::HiReconstruction::eval_vander_univar_cmf ( const int  npts2fit,
const double *  us,
const int  ndim,
double *  bs,
int  degree,
const double *  ws,
const bool  interp,
const bool  safeguard,
int *  degree_out 
) [protected]

Form and solve Vandermonde system of single-variables.

Definition at line 1434 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

References moab::DGMSolver::backsolve(), moab::DGMSolver::backsolve_polyfit_safeguarded(), moab::DGMSolver::compute_qtransposeB(), moab::DGMSolver::gen_vander_multivar(), moab::DGMSolver::qr_polyfit_safeguarded(), rank, moab::DGMSolver::rescale_matrix(), and ts().

Referenced by polyfit3d_curve_get_coeff().

    // step 1. determine degree of polynomials to fit according to number of points
    int ncols = degree + 1 - interp;
    while( npts2fit < ncols && degree >= 1 )
        ncols = degree + 1 - interp;
    if( !degree )
        if( interp )
            for( int icol = 0; icol < ndim; ++icol )
                bs[icol * npts2fit] = 0;
        for( int irow = 1; irow < npts2fit; ++irow )
            for( int icol = 0; icol < ndim; ++icol )
                bs[icol * npts2fit + irow] = 0;
        *degree_out = 0;
    // step 2. construct Vandermonde matrix
    std::vector< double > V;  // V(npts2fit*(ncols+interp));
    DGMSolver::gen_vander_multivar( npts2fit, 1, us, degree, V );

    if( interp )
        V.erase( V.begin(), V.begin() + npts2fit );

    // step 3. scale rows with respect to weights
    for( int i = 0; i < npts2fit; ++i )
        for( int j = 0; j < ncols; ++j )
            V[j * npts2fit + i] *= ws[i];
        for( int k = 0; k < ndim; ++k )
            bs[k * npts2fit + i] *= ws[i];

    // step 4. scale columns to reduce condition number
    std::vector< double > ts( ncols );
    DGMSolver::rescale_matrix( npts2fit, ncols, &( V[0] ), &( ts[0] ) );

    // step 5. perform Householder QR factorization
    std::vector< double > D( ncols );
    int rank;
    DGMSolver::qr_polyfit_safeguarded( npts2fit, ncols, &( V[0] ), &( D[0] ), &rank );

    // step 6. adjust degree of fitting
    int ncols_sub = ncols;
    while( rank < ncols_sub )
        if( !degree )
            // matrix is singular, consider curve on flat plane passing center and orthogonal to
            // tangent line
            *degree_out = 0;
            for( int i = 0; i < npts2fit; ++i )
                for( int k = 0; k < ndim; ++k )
                    bs[k * npts2fit + i] = 0;
        ncols_sub = degree + 1 - interp;

    // step 7. compute Q'*bs
    DGMSolver::compute_qtransposeB( npts2fit, ncols_sub, &( V[0] ), ndim, bs );

    // step 8. perform backward substitution and scale solutions
    // assign diagonals of V
    for( int i = 0; i < ncols_sub; ++i )
        V[i * npts2fit + i] = D[i];
    // backsolve
    if( safeguard )
        DGMSolver::backsolve_polyfit_safeguarded( 1, degree, interp, npts2fit, ncols, &( V[0] ), ndim, bs, ws,
                                                  degree_out );
        DGMSolver::backsolve( npts2fit, ncols_sub, &( V[0] ), ndim, bs, &( ts[0] ) );
        *degree_out = degree;
bool moab::HiReconstruction::get_fittings_data ( EntityHandle  vid,
GEOMTYPE geomtype,
std::vector< double > &  coords,
int &  degree_out,
std::vector< double > &  coeffs,
bool &  interp 

Get interally stored fitting results.

Get fittings results of a vertex, stored internally, results will be writtend to user provided memory

vidEntityHandle, a vertex in _verts2rec
coordsvector, global coordinates of local uvw coordinate system axis directions will be appended to the end of coords
degree_outReference to Integer, order of polynomial fittings for vid
coeffsvector, coefficients of local polynomial fittings in monomial basis will be appended to the end of coeffs
interpReference to Boolean, true = interpolation

Definition at line 607 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

References _degrees_out, _geom, _hasfittings, _interps, _local_coords, _local_fit_coeffs, _vertID2coeffID, _verts2rec, moab::HI3DCURVE, moab::HISURFACE, and moab::Range::index().

    if( !_hasfittings )
        return false;
        int index = _verts2rec.index( vid );
        if( -1 == index )
            std::cout << "Input vertex is not locally hosted vertex in this mesh set" << std::endl;
            return false;
        geomtype = _geom;
        if( HISURFACE == _geom )
            coords.insert( coords.end(), _local_coords.begin() + 9 * index, _local_coords.begin() + 9 * index + 9 );
            degree_out  = _degrees_out[index];
            interp      = _interps[index];
            int ncoeffs = ( degree_out + 2 ) * ( degree_out + 1 ) >> 1;
            size_t istr = _vertID2coeffID[index];
            coeffs.insert( coeffs.end(), _local_fit_coeffs.begin() + istr, _local_fit_coeffs.begin() + istr + ncoeffs );
        else if( HI3DCURVE == _geom )
            coords.insert( coords.end(), _local_coords.begin() + 3 * index, _local_coords.begin() + 3 * index + 3 );
            degree_out  = _degrees_out[index];
            interp      = _interps[index];
            int ncoeffs = 3 * ( degree_out + 1 );
            size_t istr = _vertID2coeffID[index];
            coeffs.insert( coeffs.end(), _local_fit_coeffs.begin() + istr, _local_fit_coeffs.begin() + istr + ncoeffs );
        return true;
ErrorCode moab::HiReconstruction::get_normals_surf ( const Range vertsh,
double *  nrms 
) [protected]

Return the normals of given vertices in a Range, writing to preallocated memory If normals have been computed and stored, just access them If not, compute on the fly

vertshRange, EntityHandles of vertices
nrmsPointer of array of doubles, size = 3*vertsh.size()

Definition at line 903 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

References _hasderiv, _local_coords, _verts2rec, average_vertex_normal(), moab::Range::begin(), moab::Range::end(), moab::error(), ErrorCode, moab::Range::index(), MB_CHK_ERR, and MB_SUCCESS.

Referenced by polyfit3d_walf_surf_vertex().

    ErrorCode error = MB_SUCCESS;
    if( _hasderiv )
        size_t id = 0;
        for( Range::iterator ivert = vertsh.begin(); ivert != vertsh.end(); ++ivert, ++id )
            int index = _verts2rec.index( *ivert );
            if( -1 == index )
                // ghost vertex
                error = average_vertex_normal( *ivert, nrms + 3 * id );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
                nrms[3 * id]     = _local_coords[9 * index + 6];
                nrms[3 * id + 1] = _local_coords[9 * index + 7];
                nrms[3 * id + 2] = _local_coords[9 * index + 8];
            assert( -1 != index );
            nrms[3 * id]     = _local_coords[9 * index + 6];
            nrms[3 * id + 1] = _local_coords[9 * index + 7];
            nrms[3 * id + 2] = _local_coords[9 * index + 8];
        size_t id = 0;
        for( Range::iterator ivert = vertsh.begin(); ivert != vertsh.end(); ++ivert, ++id )
            error = average_vertex_normal( *ivert, nrms + 3 * id );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
    return error;
ErrorCode moab::HiReconstruction::get_tangents_curve ( const Range vertsh,
double *  tangs 
) [protected]

Return the tangent vectors of given vertices in a Range, writing to preallocated memory If tangent vectors have been computed and stored, just access them If not, compute on the fly

vertshRange, EntityHandles of vertices
tangsPointer of array of doubles, size = 3*vertsh.size()

Definition at line 990 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

References _hasderiv, _local_coords, _verts2rec, average_vertex_tangent(), moab::Range::begin(), moab::Range::end(), moab::error(), ErrorCode, moab::Range::index(), MB_CHK_ERR, and MB_SUCCESS.

Referenced by polyfit3d_walf_curve_vertex().

    ErrorCode error = MB_SUCCESS;
    if( _hasderiv )
        size_t id = 0;
        for( Range::iterator ivert = vertsh.begin(); ivert != vertsh.end(); ++ivert, ++id )
            int index = _verts2rec.index( *ivert );
            if( -1 != index )
                tangs[3 * id]     = _local_coords[3 * index];
                tangs[3 * id + 1] = _local_coords[3 * index + 1];
                tangs[3 * id + 2] = _local_coords[3 * index + 2];
                error = average_vertex_tangent( *ivert, tangs + 3 * id );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
            assert( -1 != index );
            tangs[3 * id]     = _local_coords[3 * index];
            tangs[3 * id + 1] = _local_coords[3 * index + 1];
            tangs[3 * id + 2] = _local_coords[3 * index + 2];
        size_t id = 0;
        for( Range::iterator ivert = vertsh.begin(); ivert != vertsh.end(); ++ivert, ++id )
            error = average_vertex_tangent( *ivert, tangs + 3 * id );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
    return error;
ErrorCode moab::HiReconstruction::hiproj_walf_around_vertex ( EntityHandle  vid,
const int  npts2fit,
const double *  coords2fit,
double *  hiproj_new 

Perform high order projection of points around a vertex, using estimated geometry by reconstruction class.

Given an vertex on the input mesh, and new points around this vertex, estimate their position in surface. This is done by first projecting input points onto the local uv-plane around this vertex and use the precomputed local fitting to estimate the ideal position of input points. The result will be returned to the user preallocated memory

vidEntityHandle, the vertex around which to perform high order projection.
npts2fitInteger, number of points lying around vid to be fitted.
coords2fitPointer to array of doubles, size=3*npts2fit, current coordinates of points to be projected.
newcoordsPointer to array of doubles, preallocated by user, size=3*npts2fit, estimated positions of input points.

Definition at line 468 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

References _degrees_out, _geom, _hasfittings, _interps, _local_coords, _local_fit_coeffs, _vertID2coeffID, _verts2rec, moab::error(), ErrorCode, moab::Core::get_coords(), moab::HI3DCURVE, moab::HISURFACE, moab::Range::index(), MB_CHK_ERR, MB_SET_ERR, mbImpl, walf3d_curve_vertex_eval(), and walf3d_surf_vertex_eval().

Referenced by hiproj_walf_in_element().

    if( !_hasfittings )
        MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "There is no existing fitting results" );
    else if( -1 == _verts2rec.index( vid ) )
        std::ostringstream convert;
        convert << vid;
        std::string VID = convert.str();
        MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "There is no existing fitting results for vertex " + VID );
    ErrorCode error;
    // get center of local coordinates system
    double local_origin[3];
    error = mbImpl->get_coords( &vid, 1, local_origin );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
    // get local fitting parameters
    int index     = _verts2rec.index( vid );
    bool interp   = _interps[index];
    int local_deg = _degrees_out[index];
    double *uvw_coords, *local_coeffs;
    if( _geom == HISURFACE )
        uvw_coords = &( _local_coords[9 * index] );
        // int ncoeffs = (local_deg+2)*(local_deg+1)>>1;
        size_t istr  = _vertID2coeffID[index];
        local_coeffs = &( _local_fit_coeffs[istr] );
        walf3d_surf_vertex_eval( local_origin, uvw_coords, local_deg, local_coeffs, interp, npts2fit, coords2fit,
                                 hiproj_new );
    else if( _geom == HI3DCURVE )
        uvw_coords   = &( _local_coords[3 * index] );
        size_t istr  = _vertID2coeffID[index];
        local_coeffs = &( _local_fit_coeffs[istr] );
        walf3d_curve_vertex_eval( local_origin, uvw_coords, local_deg, local_coeffs, interp, npts2fit, coords2fit,
                                  hiproj_new );
    return error;
ErrorCode moab::HiReconstruction::hiproj_walf_in_element ( EntityHandle  elem,
const int  nvpe,
const int  npts2fit,
const double *  naturalcoords2fit,
double *  newcoords 

Perform high order projection of points in an element, using estimated geometry by reconstruction class.

Given an element on the input mesh, and new points in this element, represented as natural coordinates in element, estimate their position in surface. This is done by weighted averaging of local fittings: for each vertex of this elment, a fitting has been computed and the new points could be projected by this fitting. The final result of projection is the weighted average of these projections, weights are chosen as the barycentric coordinates of the point in this element. The result will be returned to the user preallocated memory

elemEntityHandle, the element on which to perform high order projection.
nvpeInteger, number of nodes of this element, triangle is 3, quad is four.
npts2fitInteger, number of points lying in elem to be projected.
naturalcoords2fitPointer to array of doubles, size=nvpe*npts2fit, natural coordinates in elem of points to be projected.
newcoordsPointer to array of doubles, preallocated by user, size=3*npts2fit, estimated positions of input points.

Definition at line 389 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

References _hasfittings, _verts2rec, check_barycentric_coords(), moab::error(), ErrorCode, moab::Core::get_connectivity(), moab::Core::get_coords(), hiproj_walf_around_vertex(), moab::Range::index(), MB_CHK_ERR, MB_SET_ERR, and mbImpl.

Referenced by closedsurface_uref_hirec_convergence_study(), test_closedsurface_mesh(), test_mesh(), test_unitcircle(), test_unitsphere(), test_unitsq_quads(), and test_unitsq_tris().

    assert( newcoords );
    ErrorCode error;
    // get connectivity table
    std::vector< EntityHandle > elemconn;
    error = mbImpl->get_connectivity( &elem, 1, elemconn );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
    if( nvpe != (int)elemconn.size() )
        MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "element connectivity table size doesn't match input size" );

    if( !_hasfittings )
        MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "There is no existing fitting results" );
        std::ostringstream convert;
        convert << elem;
        std::string ID = convert.str();
        for( int i = 0; i < nvpe; ++i )
            if( -1 == _verts2rec.index( elemconn[i] ) )
                MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "There is no existing fitting results for element " + ID );
    // check correctness of input
    for( int i = 0; i < npts2fit; ++i )
        if( !check_barycentric_coords( nvpe, naturalcoords2fit + i * nvpe ) )
            MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Wrong barycentric coordinates" );

    double* elemcoords = new double[nvpe * 3];
    error              = mbImpl->get_coords( &( elemconn[0] ), nvpe, elemcoords );MB_CHK_ERR( error );

    double* coords2fit = new double[3 * npts2fit]();
    for( int i = 0; i < npts2fit; ++i )
        for( int j = 0; j < nvpe; ++j )
            coords2fit[3 * i] += naturalcoords2fit[i * nvpe + j] * elemcoords[3 * j];
            coords2fit[3 * i + 1] += naturalcoords2fit[i * nvpe + j] * elemcoords[3 * j + 1];
            coords2fit[3 * i + 2] += naturalcoords2fit[i * nvpe + j] * elemcoords[3 * j + 2];

    double* hiproj_new = new double[3 * npts2fit];
    // initialize output
    for( int i = 0; i < npts2fit; ++i )
        newcoords[3 * i] = newcoords[3 * i + 1] = newcoords[3 * i + 2] = 0;
    // for each input vertex, call nvpe fittings and take average
    for( int j = 0; j < nvpe; ++j )
        error = hiproj_walf_around_vertex( elemconn[j], npts2fit, coords2fit, hiproj_new );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
        for( int i = 0; i < npts2fit; ++i )
            newcoords[3 * i] += naturalcoords2fit[i * nvpe + j] * hiproj_new[3 * i];
            newcoords[3 * i + 1] += naturalcoords2fit[i * nvpe + j] * hiproj_new[3 * i + 1];
            newcoords[3 * i + 2] += naturalcoords2fit[i * nvpe + j] * hiproj_new[3 * i + 2];
    delete[] elemcoords;
    delete[] coords2fit;
    delete[] hiproj_new;
    return error;

Definition at line 51 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

References _dim, _hasderiv, _incells, _inedges, _infaces, _inverts, _MAXPNTS, _mesh2rec, _nv2rec, _verts2rec, ahf, compute_average_vertex_normals_surf(), compute_average_vertex_tangents_curve(), moab::Range::empty(), moab::error(), ErrorCode, moab::ParallelComm::filter_pstatus(), moab::Core::get_entities_by_dimension(), moab::HalfFacetRep::initialize(), MB_CHK_ERR, MB_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED, MB_SET_ERR, mbImpl, pcomm, PSTATUS_GHOST, PSTATUS_NOT, and moab::Range::size().

Referenced by HiReconstruction().

    ErrorCode error;

    std::cout << "HIREC_USE_AHF: Initializing" << std::endl;
    ahf = new HalfFacetRep( mbImpl, pcomm, _mesh2rec, false );
    if( !ahf )
    error = ahf->initialize();MB_CHK_ERR( error );
    ahf        = NULL;

    // error = ahf->get_entity_ranges(_inverts,_inedges,_infaces,_incells); MB_CHK_ERR(error);
    error = mbImpl->get_entities_by_dimension( _mesh2rec, 0, _inverts );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
    error = mbImpl->get_entities_by_dimension( _mesh2rec, 1, _inedges );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
    error = mbImpl->get_entities_by_dimension( _mesh2rec, 2, _infaces );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
    error = mbImpl->get_entities_by_dimension( _mesh2rec, 3, _incells );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
    if( _inedges.size() && _infaces.empty() && _incells.empty() )
        _dim     = 1;
        _MAXPNTS = 13;
    else if( _infaces.size() && _incells.empty() )
        _dim     = 2;
        _MAXPNTS = 128;
        MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Encountered a non-manifold mesh or a mesh with volume elements" );

    // get locally hosted vertices by filtering pstatus
    if( pcomm )
        error = pcomm->filter_pstatus( _inverts, PSTATUS_GHOST, PSTATUS_NOT, -1, &_verts2rec );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
        _verts2rec = _inverts;
    _verts2rec = _inverts;
    _nv2rec = _verts2rec.size();

    if( recwhole )
        // compute normals(surface) or tangent vector(curve) for all locally hosted vertices
        if( 2 == _dim )
        else if( 1 == _dim )
            MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Unknow space dimension" );
        _hasderiv = true;
    return error;
void moab::HiReconstruction::initialize_3Dcurve_geom ( const int  degree) [protected]

Definition at line 780 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

References _degrees_out, _hasderiv, _initfittings, _interps, _local_fit_coeffs, _nv2rec, _vertID2coeffID, and compute_average_vertex_tangents_curve().

Referenced by reconstruct3D_curve_geom().

    if( !_hasderiv )
        _hasderiv = true;
    if( !_initfittings )
        int ncoeffspvpd = degree + 1;
        _degrees_out.assign( _nv2rec, 0 );
        _interps.assign( _nv2rec, false );
        _vertID2coeffID.resize( _nv2rec );
        _local_fit_coeffs.assign( _nv2rec * ncoeffspvpd * 3, 0 );
        for( size_t i = 0; i < _nv2rec; ++i )
            _vertID2coeffID[i] = i * ncoeffspvpd * 3;
        _initfittings = true;
void moab::HiReconstruction::initialize_3Dcurve_geom ( const size_t  npts,
const int *  degrees 
) [protected]

Definition at line 802 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

References _degrees_out, _hasderiv, _hasfittings, _initfittings, _interps, _local_fit_coeffs, _nv2rec, _vertID2coeffID, and compute_average_vertex_tangents_curve().

    if( !_hasderiv )
        _hasderiv = true;
    if( !_hasfittings )
        assert( _nv2rec == npts );
        _degrees_out.assign( _nv2rec, 0 );
        _interps.assign( _nv2rec, false );
        _vertID2coeffID.reserve( _nv2rec );
        size_t index = 0;
        for( size_t i = 0; i < _nv2rec; ++i )
            _vertID2coeffID[i] = index;
            index += 3 * ( degrees[i] + 1 );
        _local_fit_coeffs.assign( index, 0 );
        _initfittings = true;
void moab::HiReconstruction::initialize_surf_geom ( const int  degree) [protected]

Initialize the storage for fitting results over _mesh2rec, curve/surface mesh Two options are provided: a) use uniform degree for all vertices b) use customized degrees for different vertices After calling of initializing functions, _initfitting is set to be true, the fitting result could be stored internally

Definition at line 734 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

References _degrees_out, _hasderiv, _initfittings, _interps, _local_fit_coeffs, _nv2rec, _vertID2coeffID, and compute_average_vertex_normals_surf().

Referenced by reconstruct3D_surf_geom().

    if( !_hasderiv )
        _hasderiv = true;
    if( !_initfittings )
        int ncoeffspv = ( degree + 2 ) * ( degree + 1 ) / 2;
        _degrees_out.assign( _nv2rec, 0 );
        _interps.assign( _nv2rec, false );
        _vertID2coeffID.resize( _nv2rec );
        _local_fit_coeffs.assign( _nv2rec * ncoeffspv, 0 );
        for( size_t i = 0; i < _nv2rec; ++i )
            _vertID2coeffID[i] = i * ncoeffspv;
        _initfittings = true;
void moab::HiReconstruction::initialize_surf_geom ( const size_t  npts,
const int *  degrees 
) [protected]

Definition at line 756 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

References _degrees_out, _hasderiv, _initfittings, _interps, _local_fit_coeffs, _nv2rec, _vertID2coeffID, and compute_average_vertex_normals_surf().

    if( !_hasderiv )
        _hasderiv = true;
    if( !_initfittings )
        assert( _nv2rec == npts );
        _degrees_out.assign( _nv2rec, 0 );
        _interps.assign( _nv2rec, false );
        _vertID2coeffID.resize( _nv2rec );
        size_t index = 0;
        for( size_t i = 0; i < _nv2rec; ++i )
            _vertID2coeffID[i] = index;
            index += ( degrees[i] + 2 ) * ( degrees[i] + 1 ) / 2;
        _local_fit_coeffs.assign( index, 0 );
        _initfittings = true;
ErrorCode moab::HiReconstruction::obtain_nring_ngbvs ( const EntityHandle  vid,
int  ring,
const int  minpnts,
Range ngbvs 
) [protected]

Get n-ring neighbor vertices, assuming curve/surface mesh, not volume mesh.

Given a vertex, find its n-ring neighbor vertices including itself in _mesrh2rec. 1-ring neighbor vertices of a vertex are the vertices connected with this vertex with an edge n-ring vertices are obtained first get the 1-ring vertices and then get the 1-ring of these vertices, and so on

vidEntityHandle, vertex around which to get n-ring vertices
ringInteger, number of rings
minpntsInteger, number of minimum vertices to obtain, if the input ring could not provide enough vertices, i.e. more than minpnts, then expand the number of rings
ngbvsRange, the n-ring vertices of vid, including vid. If too many points found, i.e. more than _MAXPNTS, then terminate early.

Definition at line 672 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

References _dim, _MAXPNTS, center(), moab::Range::end(), moab::error(), ErrorCode, moab::Range::find(), moab::Core::get_connectivity(), moab::Range::insert(), MB_CHK_ERR, mbImpl, moab::Range::size(), and vertex_get_incident_elements().

Referenced by polyfit3d_walf_curve_vertex(), and polyfit3d_walf_surf_vertex().

    ErrorCode error;
    std::deque< EntityHandle > todo;
    todo.push_back( vid );
    ngbvs.insert( vid );
    EntityHandle pre, nxt;
    for( int i = 1; i <= ring; ++i )
        int count = todo.size();
        while( count )
            EntityHandle center = todo.front();
            std::vector< EntityHandle > adjents;
            error = vertex_get_incident_elements( center, _dim, adjents );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
            for( size_t j = 0; j < adjents.size(); ++j )
                std::vector< EntityHandle > elemconn;
                error = mbImpl->get_connectivity( &adjents[j], 1, elemconn );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
                int nvpe = elemconn.size();
                for( int k = 0; k < nvpe; ++k )
                    if( elemconn[k] == center )
                        pre = k == 0 ? elemconn[nvpe - 1] : elemconn[k - 1];
                        nxt = elemconn[( k + 1 ) % nvpe];
                        if( ngbvs.find( pre ) == ngbvs.end() )
                            ngbvs.insert( pre );
                            todo.push_back( pre );
                        if( ngbvs.find( nxt ) == ngbvs.end() )
                            ngbvs.insert( nxt );
                            todo.push_back( nxt );
        if( _MAXPNTS <= (int)ngbvs.size() )
            // obtain enough points
            return error;
        if( !todo.size() )
            // current ring cannot introduce any points, return incase deadlock
            return error;
        if( ( i == ring ) && ( minpnts > (int)ngbvs.size() ) )
            // reach maximum ring but not enough points
    return error;
HiReconstruction& moab::HiReconstruction::operator= ( const HiReconstruction right) [protected]
void moab::HiReconstruction::polyfit3d_curve_get_coeff ( const int  nverts,
const double *  ngbcors,
const double *  ngbtangs,
int  degree,
const bool  interp,
const bool  safeguard,
const int  ncoords,
double *  coords,
const int  ncoeffs,
double *  coeffs,
int *  degree_out 
) [protected]

Compute local single variable coordinate system of a vertex, and perform vertex based polynomial fittings of three global coordinates axis.

This function take the first vertex of input as center, and build local u-line by estimating tangent vector Then other vertices form vectors originating from center and vectors then are projectd onto this u-plane to form three local height functions, one for each coordinates axis. Local fitting of these local height functions are performed in WLS sense, according if interpolation required or not.

nvertsInteger, number of vertices of input
ngbcorsPointer to array of doubles, size = 3*nverts, coordinates of input vertices, first will be center
ngbtangsPointer to array of doubles, size = 3*nverts, vertex tangent vectors of input vertices
degreeInteger, user specified fitting degree
interpBoolean, user input, interpolation or not
safeguardBoolean, true = use safeguarded numerical method in computing
ncoordsInteger, size of *coords, should be 3, used for check
coordsPointer to array of doubles, preallocated memory for storing the glocal coordinates of local u axis direction
ncoeffsInteger, size of *coeffs, should be 3*(degree+1), used for check
coeffsPointer to array of doubles, preallocated memory for storing coefficients of local fittings in monomial basis
degree_outPointer to integer, order of resulted polynomial of fitting, could be downgraded due to numerical issues

Definition at line 1318 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

References _MINEPS, compute_weights(), eval_vander_univar_cmf(), swap(), moab::DGMSolver::vec_innerprod(), and moab::DGMSolver::vec_linear_operation().

Referenced by polyfit3d_walf_curve_vertex().

    if( !nverts )
    // step 1. compute local coordinates system
    double tang[3] = { ngbtangs[0], ngbtangs[1], ngbtangs[2] };
    if( coords && ncoords > 2 )
        coords[0] = tang[0];
        coords[1] = tang[1];
        coords[2] = tang[2];
    if( !coeffs || !ncoeffs )
        assert( ncoeffs >= 3 * ( degree + 1 ) );
    // step 2. project onto local coordinate system
    int npts2fit = nverts - interp;
    if( !npts2fit )
        *degree_out = 0;
        for( int i = 0; i < ncoeffs; ++i )
            coeffs[0] = 0;
    std::vector< double > us( npts2fit );      // double *us = new double[npts2fit];
    std::vector< double > bs( npts2fit * 3 );  // double *bs = new double[npts2fit*3];
    double uu[3];
    for( int i = interp; i < nverts; ++i )
        int k = i - interp;
        DGMSolver::vec_linear_operation( 3, 1, ngbcors + 3 * i, -1, ngbcors, uu );
        us[k]                = DGMSolver::vec_innerprod( 3, uu, tang );
        bs[k]                = uu[0];
        bs[npts2fit + k]     = uu[1];
        bs[2 * npts2fit + k] = uu[2];

    // step 3. copmute weights
    std::vector< double > ws( npts2fit );
    int nzeros = compute_weights( npts2fit, 1, &( us[0] ), nverts, ngbtangs, degree, _MINEPS, &( ws[0] ) );
    assert( nzeros <= npts2fit );

    // step 4. adjust according to number of zero-weights
    if( nzeros )
        if( nzeros == npts2fit )
            // singular case
            *degree_out = 0;
            for( int i = 0; i < ncoeffs; ++i )
                coeffs[i] = 0;
        int npts_new = npts2fit - nzeros;
        std::vector< double > bs_temp( 3 * npts_new );
        int index = 0;
        for( int i = 0; i < npts2fit; ++i )
            if( ws[i] )
                if( i > index )
                    us[index] = us[i];
                    ws[index] = ws[i];
                bs_temp[index]                = bs[i];
                bs_temp[index + npts_new]     = bs[i + npts2fit];
                bs_temp[index + 2 * npts_new] = bs[i + 2 * npts2fit];
        assert( index == npts_new );
        npts2fit = npts_new;
        us.resize( index );
        ws.resize( index );
        bs = bs_temp;
        // destroy bs_temp;
        std::vector< double >().swap( bs_temp );

    // step 5. fitting
    eval_vander_univar_cmf( npts2fit, &( us[0] ), 3, &( bs[0] ), degree, &( ws[0] ), interp, safeguard, degree_out );
    // step 6. write results to output pointers
    int ncoeffs_out_pvpd = *degree_out + 1;
    assert( ncoeffs >= 3 * ncoeffs_out_pvpd );
    // write to coeffs consecutively, bs's size is not changed by eval_vander_univar_cmf
    coeffs[0] = coeffs[ncoeffs_out_pvpd] = coeffs[2 * ncoeffs_out_pvpd] = 0;
    for( int i = 0; i < ncoeffs_out_pvpd - interp; ++i )
        coeffs[i + interp]                        = bs[i];
        coeffs[i + interp + ncoeffs_out_pvpd]     = bs[i + npts2fit];
        coeffs[i + interp + 2 * ncoeffs_out_pvpd] = bs[i + 2 * npts2fit];
void moab::HiReconstruction::polyfit3d_surf_get_coeff ( const int  nverts,
const double *  ngbcors,
const double *  ngbnrms,
int  degree,
const bool  interp,
const bool  safeguard,
const int  ncoords,
double *  coords,
const int  ncoeffs,
double *  coeffs,
int *  degree_out,
int *  degree_pnt,
int *  degree_qr 
) [protected]

Compute local coordinates system of a vertex, and perform vertex based polynomial fittings of local height function.

This function take the first vertex of input as center, and build local uv-plane by estimating vertex normals and tangent planes Then other vertices forms vectors starting from center and then are projectd onto this uv-plane to form a local height function. Local fitting of this local height function is performed in WLS sense, according if interpolation required or not.

nvertsInteger, number of vertices of input
ngbcorsPointer to array of doubles, size = 3*nverts, coordinates of input vertices, first will be center
ngbnrmsPointer to array of doubles, size = 3*nverts, vertex normals of input vertices
degreeInteger, user specified fitting degree
interpBoolean, user input, interpolation or not
safeguardBoolean, true = use safeguarded numerical method in computing
ncoordsInteger, size of *coords, should be 9, used for check
coordsPointer to array of doubles, preallocated memory for storing the glocal coordinates of local uvw axis directions
ncoeffsInteger, size of *coeffs, should be (degree+2)(degree+1)/2, used for check
coeffsPointer to array of doubles, preallocated memory for storing coefficients of local fittings in monomial basis
degree_outPointer to integer, order of resulted polynomial of fitting, could be downgraded due to numerical issues
degree_pntPointer to integer, polynomial fitting order determined by stencil size/number of points
degree_qrPointer to integer, polynomial fitting order determined by Vandermonde system condition number

Definition at line 1033 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

References _MINEPS, compute_weights(), eval_vander_bivar_cmf(), moab::DGMSolver::vec_crossprod(), moab::DGMSolver::vec_innerprod(), moab::DGMSolver::vec_linear_operation(), moab::DGMSolver::vec_normalize(), and moab::DGMSolver::vec_projoff().

Referenced by polyfit3d_walf_surf_vertex().

    if( nverts <= 0 )

    // std::cout << "npnts in initial stencil = " << nverts << std::endl;
    // std::cout << "centered at (" << ngbcoords[0] << "," << ngbcoords[1] << "," << ngbcoords[2] <<
    // ")" << std::endl;

    // step 1. copmute local coordinate system
    double nrm[3] = { ngbnrms[0], ngbnrms[1], ngbnrms[2] }, tang1[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }, tang2[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
    if( fabs( nrm[0] ) > fabs( nrm[1] ) && fabs( nrm[0] ) > fabs( nrm[2] ) )
        tang1[1] = 1.0;
        tang1[0] = 1.0;

    DGMSolver::vec_projoff( 3, tang1, nrm, tang1 );
#ifndef NDEBUG
    assert( DGMSolver::vec_normalize( 3, tang1, tang1 ) );
    DGMSolver::vec_crossprod( nrm, tang1, tang2 );
    if( 9 <= ncoords && coords )
        coords[0] = tang1[0];
        coords[1] = tang1[1];
        coords[2] = tang1[2];
        coords[3] = tang2[0];
        coords[4] = tang2[1];
        coords[5] = tang2[2];
        coords[6] = nrm[0];
        coords[7] = nrm[1];
        coords[8] = nrm[2];
    if( !ncoeffs || !coeffs )
        assert( ncoeffs >= ( degree + 2 ) * ( degree + 1 ) / 2 );

    // step 2. project onto local coordinates system
    int npts2fit = nverts - interp;
    if( 0 == npts2fit )
        *degree_out = *degree_pnt = *degree_qr = 0;
        for( int i = 0; i < ncoeffs; ++i )
            coeffs[i] = 0;
        // coeffs[0] = 0;
    std::vector< double > us( npts2fit * 2 );  // double *us = new double[npts2fit*2];
    std::vector< double > bs( npts2fit );      // double *bs = new double[npts2fit];
    for( int i = interp; i < nverts; ++i )
        int k = i - interp;
        double uu[3];
        DGMSolver::vec_linear_operation( 3, 1, ngbcoords + 3 * i, -1, ngbcoords, uu );
        us[k * 2]     = DGMSolver::vec_innerprod( 3, tang1, uu );
        us[k * 2 + 1] = DGMSolver::vec_innerprod( 3, tang2, uu );
        bs[k]         = DGMSolver::vec_innerprod( 3, nrm, uu );

    // step 3. compute weights
    std::vector< double > ws( npts2fit );  // double *ws = new double[npts2fit];
    int nzeros = compute_weights( npts2fit, 2, &( us[0] ), nverts, ngbnrms, degree, _MINEPS, &( ws[0] ) );

    // step 4. adjust according to zero-weights
    if( nzeros )
        if( nzeros == npts2fit )
            *degree_out = *degree_pnt = *degree_qr = 0;
            for( int i = 0; i < ncoeffs; ++i )
                coeffs[i] = 0;
            // coeffs[0] = 0;
        int index = 0;
        for( int i = 0; i < npts2fit; ++i )
            if( ws[i] )
                if( i > index )
                    us[index * 2]     = us[i * 2];
                    us[index * 2 + 1] = us[i * 2 + 1];
                    bs[index]         = bs[i];
                    ws[index]         = ws[i];
        npts2fit -= nzeros;
        assert( index == npts2fit );
        us.resize( npts2fit * 2 );
        bs.resize( npts2fit );
        ws.resize( npts2fit );
        /*us = realloc(us,npts2fit*2*sizeof(double));
        bs = realloc(bs,npts2fit*sizeof(double));
        ws = realloc(ws,npts2fit*sizeof(double));*/

    // std::cout<<"npnts after weighting = "<<npts2fit<<std::endl;

    // step 5. fitting
    eval_vander_bivar_cmf( npts2fit, &( us[0] ), 1, &( bs[0] ), degree, &( ws[0] ), interp, safeguard, degree_out,
                           degree_pnt, degree_qr );

    // step 6. organize output
    int ncoeffs_out = ( *degree_out + 2 ) * ( *degree_out + 1 ) / 2;
    assert( ncoeffs_out <= ncoeffs );
    coeffs[0] = 0;
    for( int j = 0; j < ncoeffs_out - interp; ++j )
        coeffs[j + interp] = bs[j];
    // delete [] us; delete [] bs; delete [] ws;
ErrorCode moab::HiReconstruction::polyfit3d_walf_curve_vertex ( const EntityHandle  vid,
const bool  interp,
int  degree,
int  minpnts,
const bool  safeguard,
const int  ncoords,
double *  coords,
int *  degree_out,
const int  ncoeffs,
double *  coeffs 

Construct vertex based polynomial fitting on a curve mesh.

Given a vertex on a curve mesh, construct three one-parameter local fittings for each coordinates axis around this vertex. Stencils around this vertex will be selected according to input degree and if data is noise. Local u-line, or the single parameter will be the estimated tangent line at this vertex. On each axis of xyz, a polynomial fitting will be performed according to user input. minpnts will be used to specify the minimum number allowed in the local stencil. The result will be returned to user by preallocated memory coords, degree_out, coeffs.

vidEntityHandle, the fittings will be performed around this vertex.
interpBoolean, true=Interpolation, false=least square fitting.
degreeInteger, order of polynomials used for local fittings.
minpntsInteger, the allowed minimum number of vertices in local stencil. If too small, the resulted fitting might be low order accurate. If too large, it may introduce overfitting.
safeguardBoolean, true=using safe guarded method in numerical computing.
coordsPointer to double, preallocated memory by user, should have at least 3 doubles; stores the global coordinates of local coordinate system u direction.
degree_outPointer to integer, used to store the degree of resulted fitting
coeffs,Pointerto double, preallocated memory for coefficients of local fittings, should have at least 3*(degree+1) doubles.

Definition at line 344 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

References moab::error(), ErrorCode, estimate_num_rings(), moab::Core::get_coords(), get_tangents_curve(), moab::Range::index(), MB_CHK_ERR, mbImpl, obtain_nring_ngbvs(), polyfit3d_curve_get_coeff(), moab::Range::size(), and swap().

Referenced by reconstruct3D_curve_geom().

    ErrorCode error;
    int ring = estimate_num_rings( degree, interp );
    // get n-ring neighbors
    Range ngbvs;
    error = obtain_nring_ngbvs( vid, ring, minpnts, ngbvs );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
    // get coordinates
    size_t nverts = ngbvs.size();
    assert( nverts );
    double* ngbcoords = new double[nverts * 3];
    error             = mbImpl->get_coords( ngbvs, ngbcoords );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
    // get tangent vectors
    double* ngbtangs = new double[nverts * 3];
    error            = get_tangents_curve( ngbvs, ngbtangs );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
    // switch vid to first one
    int index = ngbvs.index( vid );
    assert( index != -1 );
    std::swap( ngbcoords[0], ngbcoords[3 * index] );
    std::swap( ngbcoords[1], ngbcoords[3 * index + 1] );
    std::swap( ngbcoords[2], ngbcoords[3 * index + 2] );
    std::swap( ngbtangs[0], ngbtangs[3 * index] );
    std::swap( ngbtangs[1], ngbtangs[3 * index + 1] );
    std::swap( ngbtangs[2], ngbtangs[3 * index + 2] );
    // local WLS fittings
    polyfit3d_curve_get_coeff( nverts, ngbcoords, ngbtangs, degree, interp, safeguard, ncoords, coords, ncoeffs, coeffs,
                               degree_out );
    delete[] ngbcoords;
    delete[] ngbtangs;
    return error;
ErrorCode moab::HiReconstruction::polyfit3d_walf_surf_vertex ( const EntityHandle  vid,
const bool  interp,
int  degree,
int  minpnts,
const bool  safeguard,
const int  ncoords,
double *  coords,
int *  degree_out,
const int  ncoeffs,
double *  coeffs 

Construct vertex based polynomial fitting on a surface mesh.

Given a vertex on a surface mesh, construct a local fitting around this vertex. Stencils around this vertex will be selected according to input degree and if data is noise. Local uv-plane will be the estimated tangent plane at this vertex. minpnts will be used to specify the minimum number allowed in the local stencil. The result will be returned to user by preallocated memory coords, degree_out, coeffs.

vidEntityHandle, the fitting will be performed around this vertex for the local height function over the uv-plane.
interpBoolean, true=Interpolation, false=least square fitting.
degreeInteger, order of polynomials used for local fittings.
minpntsInteger, the allowed minimum number of vertices in local stencil. If too small, the resulted fitting might be low order accurate. If too large, it may introduce overfitting.
safeguardBoolean, true=using safe guarded method in numerical computing.
coordsPointer to double, preallocated memory by user, should have at least 9 doubles; stores the global coordinates of local coordinates system uvw directions.
degree_outPointer to integer, used to store the degree of resulted fitting
coeffs,Pointerto double, preallocated memory for coefficients of local fittings, should have at least (degree+2)(degree+1)/2 doubles.

Definition at line 294 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

References _dim, moab::error(), ErrorCode, estimate_num_rings(), moab::Core::get_coords(), get_normals_surf(), moab::Range::index(), MB_CHK_ERR, mbImpl, obtain_nring_ngbvs(), polyfit3d_surf_get_coeff(), moab::Range::size(), and swap().

Referenced by reconstruct3D_surf_geom().

    assert( _dim == 2 );
    ErrorCode error;
    int ring = estimate_num_rings( degree, interp );
    // std::cout<<"ring = "<<ring<<std::endl;
    // get n-ring neighbors
    Range ngbvs;
    error = obtain_nring_ngbvs( vid, ring, minpnts, ngbvs );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
    // for debug
        for(Range::iterator ingb=ngbvs.begin();ingb!=ngbvs.end();++ingb) std::cerr <<
    _verts2rec.index(*ingb) << " "; std::cout << std::endl;

    // get coordinates;
    size_t nverts = ngbvs.size();
    assert( nverts );
    double* ngbcoords = new double[nverts * 3];
    error             = mbImpl->get_coords( ngbvs, ngbcoords );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
    // get normals
    double* ngbnrms = new double[nverts * 3];
    error           = get_normals_surf( ngbvs, ngbnrms );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
    // switch vid to first one
    int index = ngbvs.index( vid );
    assert( index != -1 );
    std::swap( ngbcoords[0], ngbcoords[3 * index] );
    std::swap( ngbcoords[1], ngbcoords[3 * index + 1] );
    std::swap( ngbcoords[2], ngbcoords[3 * index + 2] );
    std::swap( ngbnrms[0], ngbnrms[3 * index] );
    std::swap( ngbnrms[1], ngbnrms[3 * index + 1] );
    std::swap( ngbnrms[2], ngbnrms[3 * index + 2] );
    // local WLS fitting
    int degree_pnt, degree_qr;
    polyfit3d_surf_get_coeff( nverts, ngbcoords, ngbnrms, degree, interp, safeguard, ncoords, coords, ncoeffs, coeffs,
                              degree_out, &degree_pnt, &degree_qr );
    delete[] ngbcoords;
    delete[] ngbnrms;
    return error;
ErrorCode moab::HiReconstruction::reconstruct3D_curve_geom ( int  degree,
bool  interp,
bool  safeguard,
bool  reset = false 

Reconstruct a high order curve on given curve mesh.

Given a curve mesh, compute vertex based polynomail fittings for all vertices hosted by current processor. The vertex based fitting is done by perfoming three one-parameter fittings along each axis, i.e. x,y,z. The result will be stored interally for later usage of evalution.

degreeInteger, order of polynomials used for local fittings.
interpBoolean, true=Interpolation, false=least square fitting.
safeguardBoolean, true=using safe guarded method in numerical computing.
resetBoolean, reset=true will recompute the fittings based on user input and replace the existing one.

Definition at line 221 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

References _degrees_out, _dim, _geom, _hasfittings, _initfittings, _interps, _local_fit_coeffs, _MINPNTS, _vertID2coeffID, _verts2rec, moab::Range::begin(), moab::Range::end(), moab::error(), ErrorCode, moab::HI3DCURVE, moab::Range::index(), initialize_3Dcurve_geom(), MB_CHK_ERR, MB_SUCCESS, and polyfit3d_walf_curve_vertex().

Referenced by test_mesh(), and test_unitcircle().

    assert( _dim == 1 );
    if( _hasfittings && !reset )
        return MB_SUCCESS;
        _initfittings = _hasfittings = false;
    initialize_3Dcurve_geom( degree );
    ErrorCode error;
    double *coords = 0, *coeffs;
    int* degree_out;
    int ncoeffs = 3 * ( degree + 1 );
    for( Range::iterator ivert = _verts2rec.begin(); ivert != _verts2rec.end(); ++ivert )
        int index = _verts2rec.index( *ivert );
        assert( index != -1 );
        size_t istr     = _vertID2coeffID[index];
        coeffs          = &( _local_fit_coeffs[istr] );
        degree_out      = &( _degrees_out[index] );
        _interps[index] = interp;
        error = polyfit3d_walf_curve_vertex( *ivert, interp, degree, _MINPNTS, safeguard, 0, coords, degree_out,
                                             ncoeffs, coeffs );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
    _geom        = HI3DCURVE;
    _hasfittings = true;
    return error;
ErrorCode moab::HiReconstruction::reconstruct3D_curve_geom ( size_t  npts,
int *  degrees,
bool *  interps,
bool  safeguard,
bool  reset = false 

Reconstruct a high order curve on given curve mesh.

Given a curve mesh, compute vertex based polynomail fittings for all vertices hosted by current processor. The vertex based fitting is done by perfoming three one-parameter fittings along each axis, i.e. x,y,z. User could specify various degrees for different vertices. It assumes that the input degrees for vertices stored in the same order as that this class stores vertices: 1) reconstruction will be only performed at vertices hosted by current processor, thus input npts should match the number of hosted vertices. 2) all hosted vertices will be stored in a MOAB::Range object, degrees for all these vertices should be stored in degrees as the same order in the MOAB::Range object The result will be stored interally for later usage of evalution.

nptsInteger size of array pointed by degrees, used for check
degreesInteger arrray, order of polynomials for local fitting at all hosted vertices.
interpBoolean, true=Interpolation, false=least square fitting.
safeguardBoolean, true=using safe guarded method in numerical computing.
resetBoolean, reset=true will recompute the fittings based on user input and replace the existing one.

Definition at line 253 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

References _degrees_out, _dim, _geom, _hasfittings, _initfittings, _interps, _local_fit_coeffs, _MINPNTS, _nv2rec, _vertID2coeffID, _verts2rec, moab::Range::begin(), moab::Range::end(), moab::error(), ErrorCode, moab::HI3DCURVE, moab::Range::index(), initialize_3Dcurve_geom(), MB_CHK_ERR, MB_SET_ERR, MB_SUCCESS, and polyfit3d_walf_curve_vertex().

    assert( _dim == 1 );
    ErrorCode error;
    if( npts != _nv2rec )
        MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Input number of degrees doesn't match the number of vertices" );
    if( _hasfittings && !reset )
        return MB_SUCCESS;
        _initfittings = _hasfittings = false;
    // initialize
    initialize_3Dcurve_geom( npts, degrees );
    double *coords = 0, *coeffs;
    int* degree_out;
    size_t i = 0;
    for( Range::iterator ivert = _verts2rec.begin(); ivert != _verts2rec.end(); ++ivert, ++i )
        int index       = _verts2rec.index( *ivert );
        size_t istr     = _vertID2coeffID[index];
        coeffs          = &( _local_fit_coeffs[istr] );
        degree_out      = &( _degrees_out[index] );
        _interps[index] = interps[i];
        int ncoeffs     = 3 * ( degrees[i] + 1 );
        error = polyfit3d_walf_curve_vertex( *ivert, interps[i], degrees[i], _MINPNTS, safeguard, 0, coords, degree_out,
                                             ncoeffs, coeffs );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
    _geom        = HI3DCURVE;
    _hasfittings = true;
    return error;
ErrorCode moab::HiReconstruction::reconstruct3D_surf_geom ( int  degree,
bool  interp,
bool  safeguard,
bool  reset = false 

Reconstruct a high order surface on given surface mesh.

Given a mesh, compute vertex based polynomial fittings for all vertices hosted by current processor. The result will be stored interally for later usage of evalution. The inputs are: a) degree, which is the order of polynomial used for vertex based fitting. b) interp, if it's true, then interpolation will be applied for local fitting, otherwise it's least square fitting. c) safeguard, specifies whether to use safeguarded numeric method. d) reset, if fittings have been computed and stored in current object, then reset=true will recompute the fittings based on user input and replace the existing one.

degreeInteger, order of polynomials used for local fittings.
interpBoolean, true=Interpolation, false=least square fitting.
safeguardBoolean, true=using safe guarded method in numerical computing.
resetBoolean, reset=true will recompute the fittings based on user input and replace the existing one.

Definition at line 126 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

References _degrees_out, _dim, _geom, _hasfittings, _initfittings, _interps, _local_coords, _local_fit_coeffs, _MINPNTS, _vertID2coeffID, _verts2rec, moab::Range::begin(), moab::Range::end(), moab::error(), ErrorCode, moab::HISURFACE, moab::Range::index(), initialize_surf_geom(), MB_CHK_ERR, MB_SUCCESS, and polyfit3d_walf_surf_vertex().

Referenced by closedsurface_uref_hirec_convergence_study(), test_closedsurface_mesh(), test_mesh(), test_unitsphere(), test_unitsq_quads(), and test_unitsq_tris().

    assert( 2 == _dim );
    if( _hasfittings && !reset )
        // This object has precomputed fitting results and user don't want to reset
        return MB_SUCCESS;
        _initfittings = _hasfittings = false;
    // initialize for geometric information
    initialize_surf_geom( degree );
    ErrorCode error;
    double *coeffs, *coords;
    int* degree_out;
    int ncoeffs = ( degree + 2 ) * ( degree + 1 ) / 2;

    // DBG
    int dcount = 0;

    for( Range::iterator ivert = _verts2rec.begin(); ivert != _verts2rec.end(); ++ivert )
        int index = _verts2rec.index( *ivert );
        // for debug
            EntityHandle vid = *ivert;
            double vertcoords[3];
            error = mbImpl->get_coords(&vid,1,vertcoords);

        size_t istr     = _vertID2coeffID[index];
        coords          = &( _local_coords[9 * index] );
        coeffs          = &( _local_fit_coeffs[istr] );
        degree_out      = &( _degrees_out[index] );
        _interps[index] = interp;
        error = polyfit3d_walf_surf_vertex( *ivert, interp, degree, _MINPNTS, safeguard, 9, coords, degree_out, ncoeffs,
                                            coeffs );MB_CHK_ERR( error );

        // DBG
        if( degree_out[0] < degree ) dcount += 1;

    // DBG
    // std::cout<<"Total #points ="<<_verts2rec.size()<<", #degraded points = "<<dcount<<std::endl;

    _geom        = HISURFACE;
    _hasfittings = true;
    return error;
ErrorCode moab::HiReconstruction::reconstruct3D_surf_geom ( size_t  npts,
int *  degrees,
bool *  interps,
bool  safeguard,
bool  reset = false 

Reconstruct a high order surface on given surface mesh.

Given a mesh, compute vertex based polynomial fittings for all vertices hosted by current processor. User could specify various degrees for different vertices. It assumes that the input degrees for vertices stored in the same order as that this class stores vertices: 1) reconstruction will be only performed at vertices hosted by current processor, thus input npts should match the number of hosted vertices. 2) all hosted vertices will be stored in a MOAB::Range object, degrees for all these vertices should be stored in degrees as the same order in the MOAB::Range object The result will be stored interally for later usage of evalution.

nptsInteger size of array pointed by degrees, used for check
degreesInteger arrray, order of polynomials for local fitting at all hosted vertices
interpBoolean, true=Interpolation, false=least square fitting.
safeguardBoolean, true=using safe guarded method in numerical computing.
resetBoolean, reset=true will recompute the fittings based on user input and replace the existing one.

Definition at line 178 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

References _degrees_out, _dim, _geom, _hasfittings, _initfittings, _interps, _local_coords, _local_fit_coeffs, _MINPNTS, _nv2rec, _vertID2coeffID, _verts2rec, moab::Range::begin(), moab::Range::end(), moab::error(), ErrorCode, moab::HISURFACE, moab::Range::index(), initialize_surf_geom(), MB_CHK_ERR, MB_SET_ERR, MB_SUCCESS, and polyfit3d_walf_surf_vertex().

    assert( _dim == 2 );
    if( npts != _nv2rec )
        MB_SET_ERR( MB_FAILURE, "Input number of degrees doesn't match number of vertices" );
    if( _hasfittings && !reset )
        return MB_SUCCESS;
        _initfittings = _hasfittings = false;
    ErrorCode error;
    // initialization for fitting
    initialize_surf_geom( npts, degrees );
    double *coeffs, *coords;
    int* degree_out;
    size_t i = 0;
    for( Range::iterator ivert = _verts2rec.begin(); ivert != _verts2rec.end(); ++ivert, ++i )
        int index = _verts2rec.index( *ivert );
        assert( -1 != index );
        size_t istr     = _vertID2coeffID[index];
        coords          = &( _local_coords[9 * index] );
        coeffs          = &( _local_fit_coeffs[istr] );
        degree_out      = &( _degrees_out[index] );
        _interps[index] = interps[i];
        int ncoeffs     = ( degrees[i] + 2 ) * ( degrees[i] + 1 ) / 2;
        error = polyfit3d_walf_surf_vertex( *ivert, interps[i], degrees[i], _MINPNTS, safeguard, 9, coords, degree_out,
                                            ncoeffs, coeffs );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
    _geom        = HISURFACE;
    _hasfittings = true;
    return error;
ErrorCode moab::HiReconstruction::vertex_get_incident_elements ( const EntityHandle vid,
const int  elemdim,
std::vector< EntityHandle > &  adjents 
) [protected]

Given a vertex, return the incident elements with dimension elemdim.

Wrapper of MOAB Core->get_adjacencies and HalfRep->get_up_adjacencies, depends on if USE_AHF is defined

vidEntityHandle of vertex
elemdimInteger, dimension of elements incidented in vid
adjentsvector<EntityHandle>, container which push incident elements in

Definition at line 658 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

References _dim, ahf, moab::error(), ErrorCode, moab::Core::get_adjacencies(), moab::HalfFacetRep::get_up_adjacencies(), MB_CHK_ERR, and mbImpl.

Referenced by average_vertex_normal(), average_vertex_tangent(), and obtain_nring_ngbvs().

    ErrorCode error;
    assert( elemdim == _dim );
    error = ahf->get_up_adjacencies( vid, elemdim, adjents );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
    error      = mbImpl->get_adjacencies( &vid, 1, elemdim, false, adjents );MB_CHK_ERR( error );
    return error;
void moab::HiReconstruction::walf3d_curve_vertex_eval ( const double *  local_origin,
const double *  local_coords,
const int  local_deg,
const double *  local_coeffs,
const bool  interp,
const int  npts2fit,
const double *  coords2fit,
double *  hiproj_new 

Perform high order projection of points around a center vertex, assume geometry is curve.

Given a vertex position and the local one-parameter fittings parameter around this vertex, estimate the ideal position of input position according to the local fittings. This is done by first projecting input points onto the local u-direction at this vertex and then use the value u as parameter for the three fittings, one for each coordinates axis of xyz. The result will be returned to user preallocated memory

local_originPointer to 3 doubles, coordinates of the center vertex
local_coordsPointer to 3 doubles, global coordinates of direction of local u coordinate axis at center vertex
local_degInteger, order of local polynomial fitting
local_coeffsPointer to array of doubles, size=3*(local_deg+1), coefficients of three local polynomial fittings, in monomial basis. For each fitting, local_deg+1 parameters.
interpBoolean, true=local fitting is interpolation, false=local fitting is least square fitting
npts2fitInteger, number of points to be estimated, around the center vertices
coords2fitPointer to array of doubles, size=3*npts2fit, current coordinates of points to be estimated
hiproj_newPointer to array of doubles, size=3*npts2fit, memory preallocated by user to store the fitting/estimated positions of input points.

Definition at line 569 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

References moab::DGMSolver::vec_innerprod(), and moab::DGMSolver::vec_linear_operation().

Referenced by hiproj_walf_around_vertex().

    assert( local_origin && local_coords && local_coeffs );
    int ncoeffspvpd = local_deg + 1;
    for( int i = 0; i < npts2fit; ++i )
        // get the vector from center to current point, project to tangent line
        double vec[3], ans[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
        DGMSolver::vec_linear_operation( 3, 1, coords2fit + 3 * i, -1, local_origin, vec );
        double u = DGMSolver::vec_innerprod( 3, local_coords, vec );
        // evaluate polynomials
        if( !interp )
            ans[0] = local_coeffs[0];
            ans[1] = local_coeffs[ncoeffspvpd];
            ans[2] = local_coeffs[2 * ncoeffspvpd];
        double uk = 1;  // degree_out and degree different, stored in columnwise contiguously
        for( int j = 1; j < ncoeffspvpd; ++j )
            uk *= u;
            ans[0] += uk * local_coeffs[j];
            ans[1] += uk * local_coeffs[j + ncoeffspvpd];
            ans[2] += uk * local_coeffs[j + 2 * ncoeffspvpd];
        hiproj_new[3 * i]     = ans[0] + local_origin[0];
        hiproj_new[3 * i + 1] = ans[1] + local_origin[1];
        hiproj_new[3 * i + 2] = ans[2] + local_origin[2];
void moab::HiReconstruction::walf3d_surf_vertex_eval ( const double *  local_origin,
const double *  local_coords,
const int  local_deg,
const double *  local_coeffs,
const bool  interp,
const int  npts2fit,
const double *  coords2fit,
double *  hiproj_new 

Perform high order projection of points around a center vertex, assume geometry is surface.

Given a vertex position and the local fitting parameter around this vertex, estimate the ideal position of input position according to the local fitting. This is done by first projecting input points onto the local uv-plane around this vertex and use the given fitting to estimate the ideal position of input points. The result will be returned to user preallocated memory

local_originPointer to 3 doubles, coordinates of the center vertex
local_coordsPointer to 9 doubles, global coordinates of directions of local uvw coordinates axis at center vertex
local_degInteger, order of local polynomial fitting
local_coeffsPointer to array of doubles, size=(local_deg+2)(local_deg+1)/2, coefficients of local polynomial fittings, in monomial basis
interpBoolean, true=local fitting is interpolation, false=local fitting is least square fitting
npts2fitInteger, number of points to be estimated, around the center vertices
coords2fitPointer to array of doubles, size=3*npts2fit, current coordinates of points to be estimated
hiproj_newPointer to array of doubles, size=3*npts2fit, memory preallocated by user to store the fitting/estimated positions of input points.

Definition at line 513 of file HiReconstruction.cpp.

References moab::DGMSolver::vec_innerprod().

Referenced by hiproj_walf_around_vertex().

    double xaxis[3], yaxis[3], zaxis[3];
    for( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
        xaxis[i] = local_coords[i];
        yaxis[i] = local_coords[3 + i];
        zaxis[i] = local_coords[6 + i];
    // double *basis = new double[(local_deg+2)*(local_deg+1)/2-1];
    std::vector< double > basis( ( local_deg + 2 ) * ( local_deg + 1 ) / 2 - 1 );
    for( int i = 0; i < npts2fit; ++i )
        double local_pos[3];
        for( int j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
            local_pos[j] = coords2fit[3 * i + j] - local_origin[j];
        double u, v, height = 0;
        u        = DGMSolver::vec_innerprod( 3, local_pos, xaxis );
        v        = DGMSolver::vec_innerprod( 3, local_pos, yaxis );
        basis[0] = u;
        basis[1] = v;
        int l    = 1;
        for( int k = 2; k <= local_deg; ++k )
            basis[l] = u * basis[l - k];
            for( int id = 0; id < k; ++id )
                basis[l] = basis[l - k - 1] * v;
        if( !interp )
            height = local_coeffs[0];
        for( int p = 0; p <= l; ++p )
            height += local_coeffs[p + 1] * basis[p];
        hiproj_new[3 * i]     = local_origin[0] + u * xaxis[0] + v * yaxis[0] + height * zaxis[0];
        hiproj_new[3 * i + 1] = local_origin[1] + u * xaxis[1] + v * yaxis[1] + height * zaxis[1];
        hiproj_new[3 * i + 2] = local_origin[2] + u * xaxis[2] + v * yaxis[2] + height * zaxis[2];
    // delete [] basis;

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 295 of file HiReconstruction.hpp.

Referenced by initialize().

Definition at line 295 of file HiReconstruction.hpp.

Referenced by initialize().

Definition at line 295 of file HiReconstruction.hpp.

Referenced by initialize().

Definition at line 295 of file HiReconstruction.hpp.

Referenced by initialize().

Definition at line 298 of file HiReconstruction.hpp.

Referenced by compute_weights(), initialize(), and obtain_nring_ngbvs().

Definition at line 292 of file HiReconstruction.hpp.

Referenced by initialize().

Definition at line 285 of file HiReconstruction.hpp.

Referenced by HiReconstruction(), and initialize().

List of all members.

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