MOAB: Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.4.1)
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef FINDPTFUNCS_H
00002 #define FINDPTFUNCS_H
00004 #include "float.h"
00005 #include "math.h"
00007 /*======================================================
00008 / from types.h
00009 /======================================================
00010 */
00012 #define MOAB_POLY_EPS ( 128 * DBL_EPSILON )
00013 #define MOAB_POLY_PI  3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923
00015 #define mbsqrt  sqrt
00016 #define mbabs   fabs
00017 #define mbcos   cos
00018 #define mbsin   sin
00019 #define mbfloor floor
00020 #define mbceil  ceil
00022 #ifdef INTEGER
00023 #undef INTEGER
00024 #endif
00026 #ifdef real
00027 #undef real
00028 #endif
00030 /* integer type to use for everything */
00031 #if defined( USE_LONG )
00032 #define INTEGER long
00033 #elif defined( USE_LONG_LONG )
00034 #define INTEGER long long
00035 #elif defined( USE_SHORT )
00036 #define INTEGER short
00037 #else
00038 #define INTEGER int
00039 #endif
00041 /* when defined, use the given type for global indices instead of INTEGER */
00042 #if defined( USE_GLOBAL_LONG_LONG )
00043 #define GLOBAL_INT long long
00044 #elif defined( USE_GLOBAL_LONG )
00045 #define GLOBAL_INT long
00046 #else
00047 #define GLOBAL_INT long
00048 #endif
00050 /* floating point type to use for everything */
00051 #if defined( USE_FLOAT )
00052 typedef float realType;
00053 #elif defined( USE_LONG_DOUBLE )
00054 typedef long double realType;
00055 #else
00056 typedef double realType;
00057 #endif
00059 /* apparently uint and ulong can be defined already in standard headers */
00060 #ifndef uint
00061 typedef signed INTEGER sint;
00062 #endif
00064 #ifndef uint
00065 typedef unsigned INTEGER uint;
00066 #endif
00067 #undef INTEGER
00069 #ifndef slong
00070 #ifdef GLOBAL_INT
00071 typedef signed GLOBAL_INT slong;
00072 #else
00073 typedef sint slong;
00074 #endif
00075 #endif
00077 #ifndef ulong
00078 #ifdef GLOBAL_INT
00079 typedef unsigned GLOBAL_INT ulong;
00080 #else
00081 typedef uint ulong;
00082 #endif
00083 #endif
00085 /*======================================================
00086 / from poly.h
00087 /======================================================
00088 */
00090 /* 
00091   For brevity's sake, some names have been shortened
00092   Quadrature rules
00093     Gauss   -> Gauss-Legendre quadrature (open)
00094     Lobatto -> Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre quadrature (closed at both ends)
00095   Polynomial bases
00096     Legendre -> Legendre basis
00097     Gauss    -> Lagrangian basis using Gauss   quadrature nodes
00098     Lobatto  -> Lagrangian basis using Lobatto quadrature nodes
00099 */
00101 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00102    Legendre Polynomial Matrix Computation
00103    (compute P_i(x_j) for i = 0, ..., n and a given set of x)
00104   --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00106 /* precondition: n >= 1
00107    inner index is x index (0 ... m-1);
00108    outer index is Legendre polynomial number (0 ... n)
00109  */
00110 void legendre_matrix( const realType* x, int m, realType* P, int n );
00112 /* precondition: n >= 1
00113    inner index is Legendre polynomial number (0 ... n)
00114    outer index is x index (0 ... m-1);
00115  */
00116 void legendre_matrix_t( const realType* x, int m, realType* P, int n );
00118 /* precondition: n >= 1
00119    compute P_i(x) with i = 0 ... n
00120  */
00121 void legendre_row( realType x, realType* P, int n );
00123 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00124    Quadrature Nodes and Weights Calculation
00126    call the _nodes function before calling the _weights function
00127   --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00129 void gauss_nodes( realType* z, int n );   /* n nodes (order = 2n-1) */
00130 void lobatto_nodes( realType* z, int n ); /* n nodes (order = 2n-3) */
00132 void gauss_weights( const realType* z, realType* w, int n );
00133 void lobatto_weights( const realType* z, realType* w, int n );
00135 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00136    Lagrangian to Legendre Change-of-basis Matrix
00137   --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00139 /* precondition: n >= 2
00140    given the Gauss quadrature rule (z,w,n), compute the square matrix J
00141    for transforming from the Gauss basis to the Legendre basis:
00143       u_legendre(i) = sum_j J(i,j) u_gauss(j)
00145    computes J   = .5 (2i+1) w  P (z )
00146              ij              j  i  j
00148    in column major format (inner index is i, the Legendre index)
00149  */
00150 void gauss_to_legendre( const realType* z, const realType* w, int n, realType* J );
00152 /* precondition: n >= 2
00153    same as above, but
00154    in row major format (inner index is j, the Gauss index)
00155  */
00156 void gauss_to_legendre_t( const realType* z, const realType* w, int n, realType* J );
00158 /* precondition: n >= 3
00159    given the Lobatto quadrature rule (z,w,n), compute the square matrix J
00160    for transforming from the Lobatto basis to the Legendre basis:
00162       u_legendre(i) = sum_j J(i,j) u_lobatto(j)
00164    in column major format (inner index is i, the Legendre index)
00165  */
00166 void lobatto_to_legendre( const realType* z, const realType* w, int n, realType* J );
00168 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00169    Lagrangian basis function evaluation
00170   --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00172 /* given the Lagrangian nodes (z,n) and evaluation points (x,m)
00173    evaluate all Lagrangian basis functions at all points x
00175    inner index of output J is the basis function index (row-major format)
00176    provide work array with space for 4*n doubles
00177  */
00178 void lagrange_weights( const realType* z, unsigned n, const realType* x, unsigned m, realType* J, realType* work );
00180 /* given the Lagrangian nodes (z,n) and evaluation points (x,m)
00181    evaluate all Lagrangian basis functions and their derivatives
00183    inner index of outputs J,D is the basis function index (row-major format)
00184    provide work array with space for 6*n doubles
00185  */
00186 void lagrange_weights_deriv( const realType* z,
00187                              unsigned n,
00188                              const realType* x,
00189                              unsigned m,
00190                              realType* J,
00191                              realType* D,
00192                              realType* work );
00194 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00195    Speedy Lagrangian Interpolation
00197    Usage:
00199      lagrange_data p;
00200      lagrange_setup(&p,z,n);    *  setup for nodes z[0 ... n-1] *
00202      the weights
00203        p->J [0 ... n-1]     interpolation weights
00204        p->D [0 ... n-1]     1st derivative weights
00205        p->D2[0 ... n-1]     2nd derivative weights
00206      are computed for a given x with:
00207        lagrange_0(p,x);  *  compute p->J *
00208        lagrange_1(p,x);  *  compute p->J, p->D *
00209        lagrange_2(p,x);  *  compute p->J, p->D, p->D2 *
00210        lagrange_2u(p);   *  compute p->D2 after call of lagrange_1(p,x); *
00211      These functions use the z array supplied to setup
00212        (that pointer should not be freed between calls)
00213      Weights for x=z[0] and x=z[n-1] are computed during setup; access as:
00214        p->J_z0, etc. and p->J_zn, etc.
00216      lagrange_free(&p);  *  deallocate memory allocated by setup *
00217   --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00219 typedef struct
00220 {
00221     unsigned n;                                    /* number of Lagrange nodes            */
00222     const realType* z;                             /* Lagrange nodes (user-supplied)      */
00223     realType *J, *D, *D2;                          /* weights for 0th,1st,2nd derivatives */
00224     realType *J_z0, *D_z0, *D2_z0;                 /* ditto at z[0]   (computed at setup) */
00225     realType *J_zn, *D_zn, *D2_zn;                 /* ditto at z[n-1] (computed at setup) */
00226     realType *w, *d, *u0, *v0, *u1, *v1, *u2, *v2; /* work data           */
00227 } lagrange_data;
00229 void lagrange_setup( lagrange_data* p, const realType* z, unsigned n );
00230 void lagrange_free( lagrange_data* p );
00232 void lagrange_0( lagrange_data* p, realType x );
00233 void lagrange_1( lagrange_data* p, realType x );
00234 void lagrange_2( lagrange_data* p, realType x );
00235 void lagrange_2u( lagrange_data* p );
00237 /*======================================================
00238 / from tensor.h
00239 /======================================================
00240 */
00242 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00243    1-,2-,3-d Tensor Application
00245    the 3d case:
00246    tensor_f3(R,mr,nr, S,ms,ns, T,mt,nt, u,v, work1,work2)
00247      gives v = [ R (x) S (x) T ] u
00248      where R is mr x nr, S is ms x ns, T is mt x nt,
00249        each in row- or column-major format according to f := r | c
00250      u is nr x ns x nt in column-major format (inner index is r)
00251      v is mr x ms x mt in column-major format (inner index is r)
00252   --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00254 void tensor_c1( const realType* R, unsigned mr, unsigned nr, const realType* u, realType* v );
00255 void tensor_r1( const realType* R, unsigned mr, unsigned nr, const realType* u, realType* v );
00257 /* work holds mr*ns realTypes */
00258 void tensor_c2( const realType* R,
00259                 unsigned mr,
00260                 unsigned nr,
00261                 const realType* S,
00262                 unsigned ms,
00263                 unsigned ns,
00264                 const realType* u,
00265                 realType* v,
00266                 realType* work );
00267 void tensor_r2( const realType* R,
00268                 unsigned mr,
00269                 unsigned nr,
00270                 const realType* S,
00271                 unsigned ms,
00272                 unsigned ns,
00273                 const realType* u,
00274                 realType* v,
00275                 realType* work );
00277 /* work1 holds mr*ns*nt realTypes,
00278    work2 holds mr*ms*nt realTypes */
00279 void tensor_c3( const realType* R,
00280                 unsigned mr,
00281                 unsigned nr,
00282                 const realType* S,
00283                 unsigned ms,
00284                 unsigned ns,
00285                 const realType* T,
00286                 unsigned mt,
00287                 unsigned nt,
00288                 const realType* u,
00289                 realType* v,
00290                 realType* work1,
00291                 realType* work2 );
00292 void tensor_r3( const realType* R,
00293                 unsigned mr,
00294                 unsigned nr,
00295                 const realType* S,
00296                 unsigned ms,
00297                 unsigned ns,
00298                 const realType* T,
00299                 unsigned mt,
00300                 unsigned nt,
00301                 const realType* u,
00302                 realType* v,
00303                 realType* work1,
00304                 realType* work2 );
00306 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00307    1-,2-,3-d Tensor Application of Row Vectors (for Interpolation)
00309    the 3d case:
00310    v = tensor_i3(Jr,nr, Js,ns, Jt,nt, u, work)
00311    same effect as tensor_r3(Jr,1,nr, Js,1,ns, Jt,1,nt, u,&v, work1,work2):
00312      gives v = [ Jr (x) Js (x) Jt ] u
00313      where Jr, Js, Jt are row vectors (interpolation weights)
00314      u is nr x ns x nt in column-major format (inner index is r)
00315      v is a scalar
00316   --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00318 realType tensor_i1( const realType* Jr, unsigned nr, const realType* u );
00320 /* work holds ns realTypes */
00321 realType tensor_i2( const realType* Jr,
00322                     unsigned nr,
00323                     const realType* Js,
00324                     unsigned ns,
00325                     const realType* u,
00326                     realType* work );
00328 /* work holds ns*nt + nt realTypes */
00329 realType tensor_i3( const realType* Jr,
00330                     unsigned nr,
00331                     const realType* Js,
00332                     unsigned ns,
00333                     const realType* Jt,
00334                     unsigned nt,
00335                     const realType* u,
00336                     realType* work );
00338 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00339    1-,2-,3-d Tensor Application of Row Vectors
00340              for simultaneous Interpolation and Gradient computation
00342    the 3d case:
00343    v = tensor_ig3(Jr,Dr,nr, Js,Ds,ns, Jt,Dt,nt, u,g, work)
00344      gives v   = [ Jr (x) Js (x) Jt ] u
00345            g_0 = [ Dr (x) Js (x) Jt ] u
00346            g_1 = [ Jr (x) Ds (x) Jt ] u
00347            g_2 = [ Jr (x) Js (x) Dt ] u
00348      where Jr,Dr,Js,Ds,Jt,Dt are row vectors
00349        (interpolation & derivative weights)
00350      u is nr x ns x nt in column-major format (inner index is r)
00351      v is a scalar, g is an array of 3 realTypes
00352   --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00354 realType tensor_ig1( const realType* Jr, const realType* Dr, unsigned nr, const realType* u, realType* g );
00356 /* work holds 2*ns realTypes */
00357 realType tensor_ig2( const realType* Jr,
00358                      const realType* Dr,
00359                      unsigned nr,
00360                      const realType* Js,
00361                      const realType* Ds,
00362                      unsigned ns,
00363                      const realType* u,
00364                      realType* g,
00365                      realType* work );
00367 /* work holds 2*ns*nt + 3*ns realTypes */
00368 realType tensor_ig3( const realType* Jr,
00369                      const realType* Dr,
00370                      unsigned nr,
00371                      const realType* Js,
00372                      const realType* Ds,
00373                      unsigned ns,
00374                      const realType* Jt,
00375                      const realType* Dt,
00376                      unsigned nt,
00377                      const realType* u,
00378                      realType* g,
00379                      realType* work );
00381 /*======================================================
00382 / from findpt.h
00383 /======================================================
00384 */
00386 typedef struct
00387 {
00388     realType x[2], A[4], axis_bnd[4];
00389 } obbox_2;
00391 typedef struct
00392 {
00393     realType x[3], A[9], axis_bnd[6];
00394 } obbox_3;
00396 typedef struct
00397 {
00398     unsigned hash_n;
00399     realType bnd[4]; /* bounds for all elements */
00400     realType fac[2]; /* fac[i] = hash_n / (bnd[2*i+1]-bnd[2*i]) */
00401     obbox_2* obb;    /* obb[nel] -- bounding box info for each element */
00402     uint* offset;    /* hash table -- for cell i,j:
00403                          uint index = j*hash_n+i,
00404                                   b = offset[index  ],
00405                                   e = offset[index+1];
00406                          elements in cell are
00407                            offset[b], offset[b+1], ..., offset[e-1] */
00408     unsigned max;    /* maximum # of elements in any cell */
00409 } hash_data_2;
00411 typedef struct
00412 {
00413     unsigned hash_n;
00414     realType bnd[6]; /* bounds for all elements */
00415     realType fac[3]; /* fac[i] = hash_n / (bnd[2*i+1]-bnd[2*i]) */
00416     obbox_3* obb;    /* obb[nel] -- bounding box info for each element */
00417     uint* offset;    /* hash table -- for cell i,j,k:
00418                          uint index = (k*hash_n+j)*hash_n+i,
00419                                   b = offset[index  ],
00420                                   e = offset[index+1];
00421                          elements in cell are
00422                            offset[b], offset[b+1], ..., offset[e-1] */
00423     unsigned max;    /* maximum # of elements in any cell */
00424 } hash_data_3;
00426 typedef struct
00427 {
00428     uint el;
00429     realType r[3];
00430     realType dist;
00431 } findpt_listel;
00433 typedef struct
00434 {
00435     unsigned constraints;
00436     unsigned de, d1;
00437     realType *x[2], *fd1[2];
00438 } opt_edge_data_2;
00440 typedef struct
00441 {
00442     unsigned constraints;
00443     realType x[2], jac[4];
00444 } opt_point_data_2;
00446 typedef struct
00447 {
00448     lagrange_data* ld;
00449     unsigned size[3];
00450     const realType* elx[2];
00451     opt_edge_data_2 ed;
00452     opt_point_data_2 pd;
00453     realType* work;
00454     realType x[2], jac[4];
00455 } opt_data_2;
00457 typedef struct
00458 {
00459     const realType* xw[2]; /* geometry data */
00460     realType* z[2];        /* lobatto nodes */
00461     lagrange_data ld[2];   /* interpolation, derivative weights & data */
00462     unsigned nptel;        /* nodes per element */
00463     hash_data_2* hash;     /* geometric hashing data */
00464     findpt_listel *list, **sorted, **end;
00465     /* pre-allocated list of elements to
00466                                            check (found by hashing), and
00467                                            pre-allocated list of pointers into
00468                                            the first list for sorting */
00469     opt_data_2* od; /* data for the optimization algorithm */
00470     realType* od_work;
00471 } findpt_data_2;
00473 typedef struct
00474 {
00475     unsigned constraints;
00476     unsigned dn, d1, d2;
00477     realType *x[3], *fdn[3];
00478 } opt_face_data_3;
00480 typedef struct
00481 {
00482     unsigned constraints;
00483     unsigned de, d1, d2;
00484     realType *x[3], *fd1[3], *fd2[3];
00485 } opt_edge_data_3;
00487 typedef struct
00488 {
00489     unsigned constraints;
00490     realType x[3], jac[9];
00491 } opt_point_data_3;
00493 typedef struct
00494 {
00495     lagrange_data* ld;
00496     unsigned size[4];
00497     const realType* elx[3];
00498     opt_face_data_3 fd;
00499     opt_edge_data_3 ed;
00500     opt_point_data_3 pd;
00501     realType* work;
00502     realType x[3], jac[9];
00503 } opt_data_3;
00505 typedef struct
00506 {
00507     const realType* xw[3]; /* geometry data */
00508     realType* z[3];        /* lobatto nodes */
00509     lagrange_data ld[3];   /* interpolation, derivative weights & data */
00510     unsigned nptel;        /* nodes per element */
00511     hash_data_3* hash;     /* geometric hashing data */
00512     findpt_listel *list, **sorted, **end;
00513     /* pre-allocated list of elements to
00514                                            check (found by hashing), and
00515                                            pre-allocated list of pointers into
00516                                            the first list for sorting */
00517     opt_data_3* od; /* data for the optimization algorithm */
00518     realType* od_work;
00519 } findpt_data_3;
00521 findpt_data_2* findpt_setup_2( const realType* const xw[2],
00522                                const unsigned n[2],
00523                                uint nel,
00524                                uint max_hash_size,
00525                                realType bbox_tol );
00526 findpt_data_3* findpt_setup_3( const realType* const xw[3],
00527                                const unsigned n[3],
00528                                uint nel,
00529                                uint max_hash_size,
00530                                realType bbox_tol );
00532 void findpt_free_2( findpt_data_2* p );
00533 void findpt_free_3( findpt_data_3* p );
00535 const realType* findpt_allbnd_2( const findpt_data_2* p );
00536 const realType* findpt_allbnd_3( const findpt_data_3* p );
00538 typedef int ( *findpt_func )( void*, const realType*, int, uint*, realType*, realType* );
00539 int findpt_2( findpt_data_2* p, const realType x[2], int guess, uint* el, realType r[2], realType* dist );
00540 int findpt_3( findpt_data_3* p, const realType x[3], int guess, uint* el, realType r[3], realType* dist );
00542 void findpt_weights_2( findpt_data_2* p, const realType r[2] );
00544 void findpt_weights_3( findpt_data_3* p, const realType r[3] );
00546 double findpt_eval_2( findpt_data_2* p, const realType* u );
00548 double findpt_eval_3( findpt_data_3* p, const realType* u );
00550 /*======================================================
00551 / from extrafindpt.h
00552 /======================================================
00553 */
00555 void opt_alloc_3( opt_data_3* p, lagrange_data* ld );
00556 void opt_free_3( opt_data_3* p );
00557 double opt_findpt_3( opt_data_3* p,
00558                      const realType* const elx[3],
00559                      const realType xstar[3],
00560                      realType r[3],
00561                      unsigned* constr );
00562 void opt_vol_set_intp_3( opt_data_3* p, const realType r[3] );
00564 /* for 2d spectralQuad */
00565 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00567    2 - D
00569   --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00571 void opt_alloc_2( opt_data_2* p, lagrange_data* ld );
00572 void opt_free_2( opt_data_2* p );
00573 double opt_findpt_2( opt_data_2* p,
00574                      const realType* const elx[2],
00575                      const realType xstar[2],
00576                      realType r[2],
00577                      unsigned* constr );
00579 extern const unsigned opt_no_constraints_2;
00580 extern const unsigned opt_no_constraints_3;
00582 /*======================================================
00583 / from errmem.h
00584 /======================================================
00585 */
00587 /* requires:
00588      <stdlib.h> for malloc, calloc, realloc, free
00589 */
00591 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00592    Error Reporting
00593    Memory Allocation Wrappers to Catch Out-of-memory
00594   --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00596 /* #include "malloc.h" */
00597 #include <stdlib.h>
00599 #ifdef __GNUC__
00600 void fail( const char* fmt, ... ) __attribute__( ( noreturn ) );
00601 #define MAYBE_UNUSED __attribute__( ( unused ) )
00602 #else
00603 void fail( const char* fmt, ... );
00604 #define MAYBE_UNUSED
00605 #endif
00607 #if 0
00608 {}
00609 #endif
00611 static void* smalloc( size_t size, const char* file ) MAYBE_UNUSED;
00612 static void* smalloc( size_t size, const char* file )
00613 {
00614     void* res = malloc( size );
00615     if( !res && size ) fail( "%s: allocation of %d bytes failed\n", file, (int)size );
00616     return res;
00617 }
00619 static void* scalloc( size_t nmemb, size_t size, const char* file ) MAYBE_UNUSED;
00620 static void* scalloc( size_t nmemb, size_t size, const char* file )
00621 {
00622     void* res = calloc( nmemb, size );
00623     if( !res && nmemb ) fail( "%s: allocation of %d bytes failed\n", file, (int)size * nmemb );
00624     return res;
00625 }
00627 static void* srealloc( void* ptr, size_t size, const char* file ) MAYBE_UNUSED;
00628 static void* srealloc( void* ptr, size_t size, const char* file )
00629 {
00630     void* res = realloc( ptr, size );
00631     if( !res && size ) fail( "%s: allocation of %d bytes failed\n", file, (int)size );
00632     return res;
00633 }
00635 #define tmalloc( type, count )       ( (type*)smalloc( ( count ) * sizeof( type ), __FILE__ ) )
00636 #define tcalloc( type, count )       ( (type*)scalloc( ( count ), sizeof( type ), __FILE__ ) )
00637 #define trealloc( type, ptr, count ) ( (type*)srealloc( ( ptr ), ( count ) * sizeof( type ), __FILE__ ) )
00638 /*
00639 typedef struct { size_t size; void *ptr; } buffer;
00641 static void buffer_init_(buffer *b, size_t size, const char *file) MAYBE_UNUSED;
00642 static void buffer_init_(buffer *b, size_t size, const char *file)
00643 {
00644   b->size=size, b->ptr=smalloc(size,file);
00645 }
00646 static void buffer_reserve_(buffer *b, size_t min, const char *file)
00648 static void buffer_reserve_(buffer *b, size_t min, const char *file)
00649 {
00650   size_t size = b->size;
00651   if(size<min) {
00652     size+=size/2+1;
00653     if(size<min) size=min;
00654     b->ptr=srealloc(b->ptr,size,file);
00655   }
00656 }
00657 static void buffer_free(buffer *b) MAYBE_UNUSED;
00658 static void buffer_free(buffer *b) { free(b->ptr); }
00660 #define buffer_init(b,size) buffer_init_(b,size,__FILE__)
00661 #define buffer_reserve(b,min) buffer_reserve_(b,min,__FILE__)
00662 */
00664 /*======================================================
00665 / from minmax.h
00666 /======================================================
00667 */
00669 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00670    Min, Max, Norm
00671   --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00673 #ifdef __GNUC__
00674 #define MAYBE_UNUSED __attribute__( ( unused ) )
00675 #else
00676 #define MAYBE_UNUSED
00677 #endif
00679 #define DECLMINMAX( type, prefix )                                                             \
00680     static type prefix##min_2( type a, type b ) MAYBE_UNUSED;                                  \
00681     static type prefix##min_2( type a, type b )                                                \
00682     {                                                                                          \
00683         return b < a ? b : a;                                                                  \
00684     }                                                                                          \
00685     static type prefix##max_2( type a, type b ) MAYBE_UNUSED;                                  \
00686     static type prefix##max_2( type a, type b )                                                \
00687     {                                                                                          \
00688         return a > b ? a : b;                                                                  \
00689     }                                                                                          \
00690     static void prefix##minmax_2( type* min, type* max, type a, type b ) MAYBE_UNUSED;         \
00691     static void prefix##minmax_2( type* min, type* max, type a, type b )                       \
00692     {                                                                                          \
00693         if( b < a )                                                                            \
00694             *min = b, *max = a;                                                                \
00695         else                                                                                   \
00696             *min = a, *max = b;                                                                \
00697     }                                                                                          \
00698     static type prefix##min_3( type a, type b, type c ) MAYBE_UNUSED;                          \
00699     static type prefix##min_3( type a, type b, type c )                                        \
00700     {                                                                                          \
00701         return b < a ? ( c < b ? c : b ) : ( c < a ? c : a );                                  \
00702     }                                                                                          \
00703     static type prefix##max_3( type a, type b, type c ) MAYBE_UNUSED;                          \
00704     static type prefix##max_3( type a, type b, type c )                                        \
00705     {                                                                                          \
00706         return a > b ? ( a > c ? a : c ) : ( b > c ? b : c );                                  \
00707     }                                                                                          \
00708     static void prefix##minmax_3( type* min, type* max, type a, type b, type c ) MAYBE_UNUSED; \
00709     static void prefix##minmax_3( type* min, type* max, type a, type b, type c )               \
00710     {                                                                                          \
00711         if( b < a )                                                                            \
00712             *min = prefix##min_2( b, c ), *max = prefix##max_2( a, c );                        \
00713         else                                                                                   \
00714             *min = prefix##min_2( a, c ), *max = prefix##max_2( b, c );                        \
00715     }
00717 DECLMINMAX( int, i )
00718 DECLMINMAX( unsigned, u )
00719 DECLMINMAX( realType, r )
00720 #undef DECLMINMAX
00722 static realType r1norm_1( realType a ) MAYBE_UNUSED;
00723 static realType r1norm_1( realType a )
00724 {
00725     return mbabs( a );
00726 }
00727 static realType r1norm_2( realType a, realType b ) MAYBE_UNUSED;
00728 static realType r1norm_2( realType a, realType b )
00729 {
00730     return mbabs( a ) + mbabs( b );
00731 }
00732 static realType r1norm_3( realType a, realType b, realType c ) MAYBE_UNUSED;
00733 static realType r1norm_3( realType a, realType b, realType c )
00734 {
00735     return mbabs( a ) + mbabs( b ) + mbabs( c );
00736 }
00737 static realType r2norm_1( realType a ) MAYBE_UNUSED;
00738 static realType r2norm_1( realType a )
00739 {
00740     return mbsqrt( a * a );
00741 }
00742 static realType r2norm_2( realType a, realType b ) MAYBE_UNUSED;
00743 static realType r2norm_2( realType a, realType b )
00744 {
00745     return mbsqrt( a * a + b * b );
00746 }
00747 static realType r2norm_3( realType a, realType b, realType c ) MAYBE_UNUSED;
00748 static realType r2norm_3( realType a, realType b, realType c )
00749 {
00750     return mbsqrt( a * a + b * b + c * c );
00751 }
00753 #endif
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