MOAB: Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.4.1)
h5sets_test.cpp File Reference
#include "moab/Core.hpp"
#include "moab/Range.hpp"
#include "TestUtil.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
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void read_write_file (Interface &output, Interface &input, EntityHandle *input_set=0)
void test_ranged_set_with_stale_handles ()
void test_list_set_with_stale_handles ()
void test_file_set ()
void test_sets_fileids ()
int coords_by_idx (int idx, double coords[][3])
void recursive_build_tree (int max_depth, Interface &mb, Tag tag, EntityHandle p, int depth, int &idx)
void recursive_check_tree (int max_depth, Interface &mb, Tag tag, EntityHandle p, int depth, int &idx)
void test_tree (int max_depth)
void test_small_tree ()
void test_big_tree ()
void regression_mmiller_8_2010 ()
void test_set_flags ()
int main (int argc, char *argv[])


const char filename [] = "sets.h5m"
bool keep_file = false

Function Documentation

int coords_by_idx ( int  idx,
double  coords[][3] 

Definition at line 189 of file h5sets_test.cpp.

Referenced by recursive_build_tree(), and recursive_check_tree().

    coords[0][0] = idx;
    coords[0][1] = 0;
    coords[0][2] = 0;
    coords[1][0] = 0;
    coords[1][1] = idx;
    coords[1][2] = 0;
    coords[2][0] = 0;
    coords[2][1] = 0;
    coords[2][2] = idx;
    coords[3][0] = 3.14 * idx;
    coords[3][1] = 1;
    coords[3][2] = 1;
    coords[4][0] = 1;
    coords[4][1] = 3.14 * idx;
    coords[4][2] = 1;
    coords[5][0] = 1;
    coords[5][1] = 1;
    coords[5][2] = 3.14 * idx;
    return idx % 5 + 1;
int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Definition at line 366 of file h5sets_test.cpp.

References moab::fail(), keep_file, regression_mmiller_8_2010(), RUN_TEST, test_big_tree(), test_file_set(), test_list_set_with_stale_handles(), test_ranged_set_with_stale_handles(), test_set_flags(), test_sets_fileids(), and test_small_tree().

    int fail = MPI_Init( &argc, &argv );
    if( fail ) return fail;

    bool do_big_tree_test = false;
    for( int i = 1; i < argc; ++i )
        if( std::string( argv[i] ) == "-k" )
            keep_file = true;
        else if( std::string( argv[i] ) == "-b" )
            do_big_tree_test = true;
            std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [-k] [-b]" << std::endl;
            return 1;

    int exitval = 0;
    exitval += RUN_TEST( test_ranged_set_with_stale_handles );
    exitval += RUN_TEST( test_list_set_with_stale_handles );
    exitval += RUN_TEST( test_file_set );
    exitval += RUN_TEST( test_small_tree );
    exitval += RUN_TEST( test_set_flags );
    exitval += RUN_TEST( regression_mmiller_8_2010 );
    exitval += RUN_TEST( test_sets_fileids );
    if( do_big_tree_test )
        exitval += RUN_TEST( test_big_tree );

    fail = MPI_Finalize();
    if( fail ) return fail;

    return exitval;
void read_write_file ( Interface output,
Interface input,
EntityHandle input_set = 0 

Definition at line 20 of file h5sets_test.cpp.

References CHECK_ERR, moab::Interface::create_meshset(), ErrorCode, filename, keep_file, moab::Interface::load_file(), MESHSET_SET, and moab::Interface::write_file().

Referenced by test_file_set(), test_list_set_with_stale_handles(), and test_ranged_set_with_stale_handles().

    ErrorCode rval;
    rval = output.write_file( filename, 0, "DEBUG_BINIO" );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    if( input_set )
        rval = input.create_meshset( MESHSET_SET, *input_set );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    rval = input.load_file( filename, input_set );
    if( !keep_file ) remove( filename );CHECK_ERR( rval );
void recursive_build_tree ( int  max_depth,
Interface mb,
Tag  tag,
EntityHandle  p,
int  depth,
int &  idx 

Definition at line 212 of file h5sets_test.cpp.

References moab::Interface::add_entities(), moab::Interface::add_parent_child(), CHECK_ERR, coords_by_idx(), moab::Interface::create_meshset(), moab::Interface::create_vertices(), ErrorCode, MESHSET_SET, and moab::Interface::tag_set_data().

Referenced by test_tree().

    ErrorCode rval = mb.tag_set_data( tag, &p, 1, &idx );CHECK_ERR( rval );

    Range verts;
    double coords[6][3];
    int num_vtx = coords_by_idx( idx, coords );
    rval        = mb.create_vertices( &coords[0][0], num_vtx, verts );
    rval        = mb.add_entities( p, verts );
    if( depth == max_depth ) return;

    EntityHandle l, r;
    rval = mb.create_meshset( MESHSET_SET, l );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    rval = mb.create_meshset( MESHSET_SET, r );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    rval = mb.add_parent_child( p, l );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    rval = mb.add_parent_child( p, r );CHECK_ERR( rval );

    recursive_build_tree( max_depth, mb, tag, l, depth + 1, idx );
    recursive_build_tree( max_depth, mb, tag, r, depth + 1, idx );
void recursive_check_tree ( int  max_depth,
Interface mb,
Tag  tag,
EntityHandle  p,
int  depth,
int &  idx 

Definition at line 234 of file h5sets_test.cpp.

References moab::Range::all_of_type(), CHECK, CHECK_EQUAL, CHECK_ERR, children, coords_by_idx(), ErrorCode, moab::Interface::get_child_meshsets(), moab::Interface::get_coords(), moab::Interface::get_entities_by_handle(), moab::Interface::get_parent_meshsets(), MBVERTEX, moab::Range::size(), and moab::Interface::tag_get_data().

Referenced by test_tree().

    int id;
    ErrorCode rval = mb.tag_get_data( tag, &p, 1, &id );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( idx, id );

    Range verts;
    double coords[6][3];
    int num_vtx = coords_by_idx( idx, coords );
    rval        = mb.get_entities_by_handle( p, verts );
    CHECK( verts.all_of_type( MBVERTEX ) );
    CHECK_EQUAL( num_vtx, (int)verts.size() );
    double coords2[6][3];
    rval = mb.get_coords( verts, &coords2[0][0] );
    std::vector< bool > match( 6, true );
    for( int i = 0; i < num_vtx; ++i )
        match[i] = false;
        for( int j = 0; j < num_vtx; ++j )
            if( !match[j] )
                double d[3] = { coords[i][0] - coords2[j][0], coords[i][1] - coords2[j][1],
                                coords[i][2] - coords2[j][2] };
                double ds   = d[0] * d[0] + d[1] * d[1] + d[2] * d[2];
                if( ds < 1e-12 )
                    match[j] = true;
    CHECK( match[0] );
    CHECK( match[1] );
    CHECK( match[2] );
    CHECK( match[3] );
    CHECK( match[4] );
    CHECK( match[5] );


    std::vector< EntityHandle > children, parents;

    rval = mb.get_child_meshsets( p, children );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    if( depth == max_depth )
        CHECK_EQUAL( (size_t)0, children.size() );

    CHECK_EQUAL( (size_t)2, children.size() );
    EntityHandle l = children.front();
    EntityHandle r = children.back();

    rval = mb.get_parent_meshsets( l, parents );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( (size_t)1, parents.size() );
    CHECK_EQUAL( p, parents.front() );
    rval = mb.get_parent_meshsets( r, parents );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( (size_t)1, parents.size() );
    CHECK_EQUAL( p, parents.front() );

    recursive_check_tree( max_depth, mb, tag, l, depth + 1, idx );
    recursive_check_tree( max_depth, mb, tag, r, depth + 1, idx );

Definition at line 412 of file h5sets_test.cpp.

References CHECK_EQUAL, moab::Range::clear(), moab::CREATE_HANDLE(), moab::Interface::get_entities_by_handle(), moab::Interface::get_entities_by_type(), moab::Range::insert(), moab::Interface::load_file(), mb, MBENTITYSET, MBHEX, MBPRISM, MBPYRAMID, MBVERTEX, and moab::Range::size().

Referenced by main().

    Core moab;
    Interface& mb = moab;

    const size_t num_vtx = 171;
    const size_t num_pri = 12;
    const size_t num_pyr = 8;
    const size_t num_hex = 100;
    const size_t num_set = 25;

    mb.load_file( std::string( TestDir + "unittest/h5file/rocket_ents_in_assm.h5m" ).c_str() );

    /* Dump of set contents from input file:
     1r: 172, 4,
     2r: 192, 4, 204, 4, 216, 4, 228, 4, 240, 4, 252, 4, 264, 4, 276, 4,
     3r: 288, 4,
     4 : 181, 183, 185, 187,
     5r: 176, 5, 182, 1, 184, 1, 186, 1, 188, 4, 196, 8, 208, 8, 220, 8, 232, 8, 244, 8, 256, 8,
    268, 8, 280, 8, 6r: 172, 4, 192, 4, 204, 4, 216, 4, 228, 4, 240, 4, 252, 4, 264, 4, 276, 4, 288,
    4, 7r: 176, 4, 188, 4, 196, 8, 208, 8, 220, 8, 232, 8, 244, 8, 8r: 180, 8, 256, 8, 268, 8, 280,
    8, 9r: 172, 120, 301, 1, 309, 1, 10r: 176, 4, 188, 100, 302, 1, 308, 1, 11r: 176, 4, 188, 52,
    303, 1, 12r: 176, 4, 188, 4, 304, 4, 13 : 177, 189, 14 : 178, 190, 15 : 179, 191, 16 : 17r: 240,
    48, 18r: 172, 4, 180, 8, 288, 4, 310, 1, 312, 1, 19r: 180, 8, 288, 4, 311, 1, 20r: 180, 8, 21r:
    172, 4, 313, 4, 22 : 173, 23 : 174, 24 : 175, 25 : 176, 188

    // check expected handles

    const EntityHandle VTX1 = CREATE_HANDLE( MBVERTEX, 1 );
    Range range, expected;
    mb.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBVERTEX, range );
    CHECK_EQUAL( num_vtx, range.size() );
    expected.insert( VTX1, VTX1 + num_vtx - 1 );
    CHECK_EQUAL( expected, range );

    const EntityHandle PRI1 = CREATE_HANDLE( MBPRISM, 1 );
    mb.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBPRISM, range );
    CHECK_EQUAL( num_pri, range.size() );
    expected.insert( PRI1, PRI1 + num_pri - 1 );
    CHECK_EQUAL( expected, range );

    const EntityHandle PYR1 = CREATE_HANDLE( MBPYRAMID, 1 );
    mb.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBPYRAMID, range );
    CHECK_EQUAL( num_pyr, range.size() );
    expected.insert( PYR1, PYR1 + num_pyr - 1 );
    CHECK_EQUAL( expected, range );

    const EntityHandle HEX1 = CREATE_HANDLE( MBHEX, 1 );
    mb.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBHEX, range );
    CHECK_EQUAL( num_hex, range.size() );
    expected.insert( HEX1, HEX1 + num_hex - 1 );
    CHECK_EQUAL( expected, range );

    const EntityHandle SET1 = CREATE_HANDLE( MBENTITYSET, 1 );
    mb.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBENTITYSET, range );
    CHECK_EQUAL( num_set, range.size() );
    expected.insert( SET1, SET1 + num_set - 1 );
    CHECK_EQUAL( expected, range );

    // Check set contents

    // Set 1: Pyramids 1 to 4
    mb.get_entities_by_handle( SET1, range );
    expected.insert( PYR1 + 0, PYR1 + 3 );
    CHECK_EQUAL( expected, range );

    // Skip sets 2 through 8 because they're long and complicated and
    // I doubt I could code up the content lists explicitly from the
    // dump of the HDF5 file w/out many mistakes

    // Set 9: Pyramids 1 to 8, Prism 1 to 12, Hex 1 to 100, and Sets 10 and 18
    mb.get_entities_by_handle( SET1 + 8, range );
    expected.insert( PYR1 + 0, PYR1 + 7 );
    expected.insert( PRI1 + 0, PRI1 + 11 );
    expected.insert( HEX1 + 0, HEX1 + 99 );
    expected.insert( SET1 + 9 );
    expected.insert( SET1 + 17 );
    CHECK_EQUAL( expected, range );

    // Set 10: Pyramids 5 to 8, Prism 9 to 12, Hex 1 to 96, and Sets 11 and 17
    mb.get_entities_by_handle( SET1 + 9, range );
    expected.insert( PYR1 + 4, PYR1 + 7 );
    expected.insert( PRI1 + 8, PRI1 + 11 );
    expected.insert( HEX1 + 0, HEX1 + 95 );
    expected.insert( SET1 + 10 );
    expected.insert( SET1 + 16 );
    CHECK_EQUAL( expected, range );

    // Set 11: Pyramids 5 to 8, Prism 9 to 12, Hex 1 to 48, and Set 12
    mb.get_entities_by_handle( SET1 + 10, range );
    expected.insert( PYR1 + 4, PYR1 + 7 );
    expected.insert( PRI1 + 8, PRI1 + 11 );
    expected.insert( HEX1 + 0, HEX1 + 47 );
    expected.insert( SET1 + 11 );
    CHECK_EQUAL( expected, range );

    // Set 12: Pyramids 5 to 8, Prism 9 to 12, and Sets 13 to 16
    mb.get_entities_by_handle( SET1 + 11, range );
    expected.insert( PYR1 + 4, PYR1 + 7 );
    expected.insert( PRI1 + 8, PRI1 + 11 );
    expected.insert( SET1 + 12, SET1 + 15 );
    CHECK_EQUAL( expected, range );

    // Set 13: Pyramids 6 and Prism 10
    mb.get_entities_by_handle( SET1 + 12, range );
    expected.insert( PYR1 + 5 );
    expected.insert( PRI1 + 9 );
    CHECK_EQUAL( expected, range );

    // Set 14: Pyramids 7 and Prism 11
    mb.get_entities_by_handle( SET1 + 13, range );
    expected.insert( PYR1 + 6 );
    expected.insert( PRI1 + 10 );
    CHECK_EQUAL( expected, range );

    // Set 15: Pyramids 8 and Prism 12
    mb.get_entities_by_handle( SET1 + 14, range );
    expected.insert( PYR1 + 7 );
    expected.insert( PRI1 + 11 );
    CHECK_EQUAL( expected, range );

    // Set 16: Empty
    mb.get_entities_by_handle( SET1 + 15, range );
    CHECK_EQUAL( expected, range );

    // Set 17: Hex 49 to 96
    mb.get_entities_by_handle( SET1 + 16, range );
    expected.insert( HEX1 + 48, HEX1 + 95 );
    CHECK_EQUAL( expected, range );

    // Set 18: Pyramids 1 to 4, Prism 1 to 8, Hex 97 to 100, and Sets 19 and 21
    mb.get_entities_by_handle( SET1 + 17, range );
    expected.insert( PYR1 + 0, PYR1 + 3 );
    expected.insert( PRI1 + 0, PRI1 + 7 );
    expected.insert( HEX1 + 96, HEX1 + 99 );
    expected.insert( SET1 + 18 );
    expected.insert( SET1 + 20 );
    CHECK_EQUAL( expected, range );

    // Set 19: Prism 1 to 8, Hex 97 to 100, and Set 20
    mb.get_entities_by_handle( SET1 + 18, range );
    expected.insert( PRI1 + 0, PRI1 + 7 );
    expected.insert( HEX1 + 96, HEX1 + 99 );
    expected.insert( SET1 + 19 );
    CHECK_EQUAL( expected, range );

    // Set 20: Prism 1 to 8
    mb.get_entities_by_handle( SET1 + 19, range );
    expected.insert( PRI1 + 0, PRI1 + 7 );
    CHECK_EQUAL( expected, range );

    // Set 21: Pyramids 1 to 4, and Sets 22 to 25
    mb.get_entities_by_handle( SET1 + 20, range );
    expected.insert( PYR1 + 0, PYR1 + 3 );
    expected.insert( SET1 + 21, SET1 + 24 );
    CHECK_EQUAL( expected, range );

    // Set 22: Pyramid 2
    mb.get_entities_by_handle( SET1 + 21, range );
    expected.insert( PYR1 + 1 );
    CHECK_EQUAL( expected, range );

    // Set 23: Pyramid 3
    mb.get_entities_by_handle( SET1 + 22, range );
    expected.insert( PYR1 + 2 );
    CHECK_EQUAL( expected, range );

    // Set 24: Pyramid 4
    mb.get_entities_by_handle( SET1 + 23, range );
    expected.insert( PYR1 + 3 );
    CHECK_EQUAL( expected, range );

    // Set 25: Pyramid 5 and Prism 9
    mb.get_entities_by_handle( SET1 + 24, range );
    expected.insert( PYR1 + 4 );
    expected.insert( PRI1 + 8 );
    CHECK_EQUAL( expected, range );
void test_big_tree ( )

Definition at line 357 of file h5sets_test.cpp.

References test_tree().

Referenced by main().

    test_tree( 20 );
void test_file_set ( )

Definition at line 110 of file h5sets_test.cpp.

References moab::Core::add_entities(), moab::Range::begin(), CHECK_EQUAL, CHECK_ERR, moab::Core::create_element(), moab::Core::create_meshset(), moab::Core::create_vertices(), moab::Range::end(), ErrorCode, moab::Core::get_number_entities_by_type(), MBENTITYSET, MBTRI, MBVERTEX, read_write_file(), and moab::Range::size().

Referenced by main().

    ErrorCode rval;
    Core moab;
    double vtxcoords[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 };
    Range verts;
    rval = moab.create_vertices( vtxcoords, 3, verts );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( 3, (int)verts.size() );

    EntityHandle tri;
    EntityHandle conn[3];
    std::copy( verts.begin(), verts.end(), conn );
    rval = moab.create_element( MBTRI, conn, 3, tri );CHECK_ERR( rval );

    EntityHandle set;
    rval = moab.create_meshset( MESHSET_ORDERED, set );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    rval = moab.add_entities( set, &tri, 1 );CHECK_ERR( rval );

    EntityHandle file;
    read_write_file( moab, moab, &file );

    int count;
    rval = moab.get_number_entities_by_type( 0, MBVERTEX, count );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( 6, count );
    rval = moab.get_number_entities_by_type( file, MBVERTEX, count );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( 3, count );

    rval = moab.get_number_entities_by_type( 0, MBTRI, count );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( 2, count );
    rval = moab.get_number_entities_by_type( file, MBTRI, count );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( 1, count );

    rval = moab.get_number_entities_by_type( 0, MBENTITYSET, count );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( 3, count );
    rval = moab.get_number_entities_by_type( file, MBENTITYSET, count );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( 1, count );

Definition at line 71 of file h5sets_test.cpp.

References moab::Interface::add_entities(), moab::Range::back(), moab::Range::begin(), CHECK_EQUAL, CHECK_ERR, moab::Interface::create_meshset(), moab::Interface::create_vertices(), moab::Interface::delete_entities(), ErrorCode, moab::Range::front(), moab::Interface::get_entities_by_handle(), moab::Interface::get_entities_by_type(), mb, MBENTITYSET, read_write_file(), and moab::Range::size().

Referenced by main().

    Core moab;
    Interface& mb = moab;
    ErrorCode rval;
    Range verts;

    const int num_vtx = 40;
    std::vector< double > coords( 3 * num_vtx, 0.0 );
    rval = mb.create_vertices( &coords[0], num_vtx, verts );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( num_vtx, (int)verts.size() );

    EntityHandle set;
    rval = mb.create_meshset( MESHSET_ORDERED, set );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    rval = mb.add_entities( set, verts );CHECK_ERR( rval );

    std::vector< EntityHandle > dead_verts;
    for( int i = num_vtx / 4; i < num_vtx; i += num_vtx / 4 )
        Range::iterator j = verts.begin();
        j += i;
        dead_verts.push_back( *j );
    rval = mb.delete_entities( &dead_verts[0], dead_verts.size() );CHECK_ERR( rval );

    Core moab2;
    Interface& mb2 = moab2;
    EntityHandle file_set;
    read_write_file( mb, mb2, &file_set );
    Range sets;
    rval = mb2.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBENTITYSET, sets );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( 2, (int)sets.size() );
    EntityHandle other_set = sets.front() == file_set ? sets.back() : sets.front();

    std::vector< EntityHandle > list;
    rval = mb2.get_entities_by_handle( other_set, list );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( verts.size() - dead_verts.size(), list.size() );

Definition at line 32 of file h5sets_test.cpp.

References moab::Interface::add_entities(), moab::Range::back(), moab::Range::begin(), CHECK_EQUAL, CHECK_ERR, moab::Interface::create_meshset(), moab::Interface::create_vertices(), moab::Interface::delete_entities(), ErrorCode, moab::Range::front(), moab::Interface::get_entities_by_type(), moab::Interface::get_number_entities_by_type(), mb, MBENTITYSET, MBVERTEX, MESHSET_SET, read_write_file(), and moab::Range::size().

Referenced by main().

    Core moab;
    Interface& mb = moab;
    ErrorCode rval;
    Range verts;

    const int num_vtx = 40;
    std::vector< double > coords( 3 * num_vtx, 0.0 );
    rval = mb.create_vertices( &coords[0], num_vtx, verts );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( num_vtx, (int)verts.size() );

    EntityHandle set;
    rval = mb.create_meshset( MESHSET_SET, set );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    rval = mb.add_entities( set, verts );CHECK_ERR( rval );

    std::vector< EntityHandle > dead_verts;
    for( int i = num_vtx / 4; i < num_vtx; i += num_vtx / 4 )
        Range::iterator j = verts.begin();
        j += i;
        dead_verts.push_back( *j );
    rval = mb.delete_entities( &dead_verts[0], dead_verts.size() );CHECK_ERR( rval );

    Core moab2;
    Interface& mb2 = moab2;
    EntityHandle file_set;
    read_write_file( mb, mb2, &file_set );
    Range sets;
    rval = mb2.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBENTITYSET, sets );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( 2, (int)sets.size() );
    EntityHandle other_set = sets.front() == file_set ? sets.back() : sets.front();

    int num_vtx2 = -5;
    rval         = mb2.get_number_entities_by_type( other_set, MBVERTEX, num_vtx2 );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( (int)( num_vtx - dead_verts.size() ), num_vtx2 );
void test_set_flags ( )

Definition at line 639 of file h5sets_test.cpp.

References moab::Interface::add_entities(), moab::Range::begin(), CHECK_ARRAYS_EQUAL, CHECK_EQUAL, CHECK_ERR, moab::Range::clear(), moab::Interface::create_meshset(), moab::Interface::create_vertices(), moab::Interface::delete_mesh(), ErrorCode, filename2, moab::Range::front(), moab::Interface::get_entities_by_handle(), moab::Interface::get_entities_by_type_and_tag(), moab::Interface::get_meshset_options(), keep_file, moab::Interface::load_file(), mb, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, MBENTITYSET, MESHSET_SET, MESHSET_TRACK_OWNER, moab::Range::size(), moab::Interface::tag_get_data(), moab::Interface::tag_get_handle(), moab::Interface::tag_set_data(), and moab::Interface::write_file().

Referenced by main().

    const char filename2[] = "test_set_flags.h5m";
    ErrorCode rval;
    Core core;
    Interface& mb = core;

    // create a bunch of vertices so we have something to put in sets
    const int nverts          = 20;
    double coords[3 * nverts] = { 0.0 };
    Range verts;
    rval = mb.create_vertices( coords, nverts, verts );CHECK_ERR( rval );

    // Assign IDs to things so that we can identify them in the
    // data we read back in.
    Tag tag;
    rval = mb.tag_get_handle( "GLOBAL_ID", 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, tag );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    int ids[nverts];
    for( int i = 0; i < nverts; ++i )
        ids[i] = i + 1;
    rval = mb.tag_set_data( tag, verts, ids );CHECK_ERR( rval );

    // define two lists of vertex ids corresponding to the
    // vertices that we are going to put into different sets
    const int set_verts1[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 13, 14, 15 };
    const int set_verts2[] = { 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 };
    const int num_verts1   = sizeof( set_verts1 ) / sizeof( set_verts1[0] );
    const int num_verts2   = sizeof( set_verts1 ) / sizeof( set_verts1[0] );

    // convert to handle lists
    EntityHandle set_handles1[num_verts1], set_handles2[num_verts2];
    for( int i = 0; i < num_verts1; ++i )
        set_handles1[i] = *( verts.begin() + set_verts1[i] - 1 );
    for( int i = 0; i < num_verts2; ++i )
        set_handles2[i] = *( verts.begin() + set_verts2[i] - 1 );

    // now create some sets with different flag combinations
    EntityHandle sets[6];
    rval = mb.create_meshset( 0, sets[0] );
    rval = mb.create_meshset( MESHSET_TRACK_OWNER, sets[1] );
    rval = mb.create_meshset( MESHSET_SET, sets[2] );
    rval = mb.create_meshset( MESHSET_SET | MESHSET_TRACK_OWNER, sets[3] );
    rval = mb.create_meshset( MESHSET_ORDERED, sets[4] );
    rval = mb.create_meshset( MESHSET_ORDERED | MESHSET_TRACK_OWNER, sets[5] );

    // assign IDs to sets so that we can identify them later
    rval = mb.tag_set_data( tag, sets, 6, ids );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    // add entities to sets
    rval = mb.add_entities( sets[0], set_handles1, num_verts1 );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    rval = mb.add_entities( sets[1], set_handles2, num_verts2 );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    rval = mb.add_entities( sets[2], set_handles1, num_verts1 );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    rval = mb.add_entities( sets[3], set_handles2, num_verts2 );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    rval = mb.add_entities( sets[4], set_handles1, num_verts1 );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    rval = mb.add_entities( sets[5], set_handles2, num_verts2 );CHECK_ERR( rval );

    // now write the file and read it back in
    rval = mb.write_file( filename2, 0, "BUFFER_SIZE=1024;DEBUG_BINIO" );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    rval = mb.load_file( filename2 );
    if( !keep_file ) remove( filename2 );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    rval = mb.tag_get_handle( "GLOBAL_ID", 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, tag );CHECK_ERR( rval );

    // find our sets
    Range tmp;
    for( int i = 0; i < 6; ++i )
        int id = i + 1;
        const void* vals[] = { &id };
        rval               = mb.get_entities_by_type_and_tag( 0, MBENTITYSET, &tag, vals, 1, tmp );CHECK_ERR( rval );
        CHECK_EQUAL( 1u, (unsigned)tmp.size() );
        sets[i] = tmp.front();

    // check that sets have correct flags
    unsigned opts;
    rval = mb.get_meshset_options( sets[0], opts );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( 0u, opts );
    rval = mb.get_meshset_options( sets[1], opts );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( (unsigned)MESHSET_TRACK_OWNER, opts );
    rval = mb.get_meshset_options( sets[2], opts );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( (unsigned)MESHSET_SET, opts );
    rval = mb.get_meshset_options( sets[3], opts );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    rval = mb.get_meshset_options( sets[4], opts );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( (unsigned)MESHSET_ORDERED, opts );
    rval = mb.get_meshset_options( sets[5], opts );CHECK_ERR( rval );

    // check that sets have correct contents
    int set_ids1[num_verts1], set_ids2[num_verts2];

    rval = mb.get_entities_by_handle( sets[0], tmp );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( num_verts1, (int)tmp.size() );
    rval = mb.tag_get_data( tag, tmp, set_ids1 );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    std::sort( set_ids1, set_ids1 + num_verts1 );
    CHECK_ARRAYS_EQUAL( set_verts1, num_verts1, set_ids1, num_verts1 );

    rval = mb.get_entities_by_handle( sets[1], tmp );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( num_verts2, (int)tmp.size() );
    rval = mb.tag_get_data( tag, tmp, set_ids2 );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    std::sort( set_ids2, set_ids2 + num_verts2 );
    CHECK_ARRAYS_EQUAL( set_verts2, num_verts2, set_ids2, num_verts2 );

    rval = mb.get_entities_by_handle( sets[2], tmp );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( num_verts1, (int)tmp.size() );
    rval = mb.tag_get_data( tag, tmp, set_ids1 );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    std::sort( set_ids1, set_ids1 + num_verts1 );
    CHECK_ARRAYS_EQUAL( set_verts1, num_verts1, set_ids1, num_verts1 );

    rval = mb.get_entities_by_handle( sets[3], tmp );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( num_verts2, (int)tmp.size() );
    rval = mb.tag_get_data( tag, tmp, set_ids2 );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    std::sort( set_ids2, set_ids2 + num_verts2 );
    CHECK_ARRAYS_EQUAL( set_verts2, num_verts2, set_ids2, num_verts2 );

    rval = mb.get_entities_by_handle( sets[4], tmp );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( num_verts1, (int)tmp.size() );
    rval = mb.tag_get_data( tag, tmp, set_ids1 );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    std::sort( set_ids1, set_ids1 + num_verts1 );
    CHECK_ARRAYS_EQUAL( set_verts1, num_verts1, set_ids1, num_verts1 );

    rval = mb.get_entities_by_handle( sets[5], tmp );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( num_verts2, (int)tmp.size() );
    rval = mb.tag_get_data( tag, tmp, set_ids2 );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    std::sort( set_ids2, set_ids2 + num_verts2 );
    CHECK_ARRAYS_EQUAL( set_verts2, num_verts2, set_ids2, num_verts2 );

Definition at line 148 of file h5sets_test.cpp.

References moab::Core::add_entities(), moab::Range::begin(), CHECK, CHECK_EQUAL, CHECK_ERR, moab::Core::create_element(), moab::Core::create_meshset(), moab::Core::create_vertices(), moab::Core::delete_mesh(), moab::Range::end(), ErrorCode, filename, moab::Core::get_entities_by_type(), keep_file, moab::Core::load_file(), MBENTITYSET, MBTRI, moab::Range::size(), moab::Core::tag_get_data(), moab::Core::tag_get_handle(), and moab::Core::write_file().

Referenced by main().

    ErrorCode rval;
    Core moab;
    double vtxcoords[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 };
    Range verts;
    rval = moab.create_vertices( vtxcoords, 3, verts );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( 3, (int)verts.size() );

    EntityHandle tri;
    EntityHandle conn[3];
    std::copy( verts.begin(), verts.end(), conn );
    rval = moab.create_element( MBTRI, conn, 3, tri );CHECK_ERR( rval );

    EntityHandle set;
    rval = moab.create_meshset( MESHSET_ORDERED, set );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    rval = moab.add_entities( set, &tri, 1 );CHECK_ERR( rval );

    rval = moab.write_file( filename );CHECK_ERR( rval );


    rval = moab.load_file( filename, 0, "STORE_SETS_FILEIDS;" );CHECK_ERR( rval );

    Tag setFileIdTag;

    rval = moab.tag_get_handle( "__FILE_ID_FOR_SETS", setFileIdTag );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK( setFileIdTag );

    Range sets;
    rval = moab.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBENTITYSET, sets );CHECK_ERR( rval );

    std::vector< long > vals( sets.size() );
    rval = moab.tag_get_data( setFileIdTag, sets, &vals[0] );CHECK_ERR( rval );

    CHECK_EQUAL( 5, (int)vals[0] );
    if( !keep_file ) remove( filename );

void test_small_tree ( )

Definition at line 345 of file h5sets_test.cpp.

References CHECK, max_depth, and test_tree().

Referenced by main().

    int max_depth   = 8;
    const char* str = getenv( "MAX_DEPTH" );
    if( str )
        max_depth = atoi( str );
        CHECK( max_depth > 0 );
    test_tree( max_depth );
void test_tree ( int  max_depth)

Definition at line 302 of file h5sets_test.cpp.

References CHECK_EQUAL, CHECK_ERR, moab::Interface::create_meshset(), moab::Interface::delete_mesh(), ErrorCode, moab::Range::front(), moab::Interface::get_entities_by_type_and_tag(), keep_file, moab::Interface::load_file(), mb, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, MBENTITYSET, MESHSET_SET, recursive_build_tree(), recursive_check_tree(), moab::Range::size(), moab::Interface::tag_get_handle(), and moab::Interface::write_file().

Referenced by test_big_tree(), and test_small_tree().

    ErrorCode rval;
    Core moab;
    Interface& mb = moab;
    EntityHandle root;

    // create tag in which to store number for each tree node,
    // in depth-first in-order search order.
    Tag tag;
    rval = mb.tag_get_handle( "GLOBAL_ID", 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, tag );CHECK_ERR( rval );

    // create a binary tree to a depth of 20 (about 1 million nodes)
    rval = mb.create_meshset( MESHSET_SET, root );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    int idx = 1;
    recursive_build_tree( max_depth, mb, tag, root, 1, idx );
    const int last_idx = idx;
    std::cerr << "Created binary tree containing " << last_idx << " nodes." << std::endl;

    std::ostringstream str;
    str << "tree-" << max_depth << ".h5m";

    // write file and read back in
    rval = mb.write_file( str.str().c_str(), 0, "BUFFER_SIZE=1024;DEBUG_BINIO" );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    rval = mb.load_file( str.str().c_str() );
    if( !keep_file ) remove( str.str().c_str() );CHECK_ERR( rval );

    // get tree root
    rval = mb.tag_get_handle( "GLOBAL_ID", 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, tag );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    Range roots;
    idx                = 1;
    const void* vals[] = { &idx };
    rval               = mb.get_entities_by_type_and_tag( 0, MBENTITYSET, &tag, vals, 1, roots );
    CHECK_EQUAL( (size_t)1, roots.size() );
    root = roots.front();

    // check that tree is as we expect it
    idx = 1;
    recursive_check_tree( max_depth, mb, tag, root, 1, idx );
    CHECK_EQUAL( last_idx, idx );

Variable Documentation

const char filename[] = "sets.h5m"

Definition at line 17 of file h5sets_test.cpp.

bool keep_file = false

Definition at line 18 of file h5sets_test.cpp.

Referenced by main(), read_write_file(), test_set_flags(), test_sets_fileids(), and test_tree().

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