MOAB: Mesh Oriented datABase  (version 5.4.1)
gmsh_test.cpp File Reference
#include "TestUtil.hpp"
#include "moab/Core.hpp"
#include "moab/Range.hpp"
#include "MBTagConventions.hpp"
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
+ Include dependency graph for gmsh_test.cpp:

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void test_read_nodes ()
void test_read_quads ()
void test_read_material_set ()
void test_read_material_on_nodes ()
void test_read_geom_set ()
void test_read_airfoil ()
void test_read_t1 ()
void test_read_fgh ()
void read_file (Interface &moab, const char *input_file)
int main ()


static const char example [] = "gmsh2.msh"
static const char example2 [] = "airfoil_exterior.msh"
static const char example3 [] = "t1.msh"
static const char example4 [] = "ghosts.msh"
static const char example5 [] = "gmsh3.msh"

Function Documentation

void read_file ( Interface moab,
const char *  input_file 

Definition at line 254 of file gmsh_test.cpp.

References example2, and read_file().

Referenced by main().

    Core moab;
    read_file( moab, example2 );
void test_read_fgh ( )

Definition at line 266 of file gmsh_test.cpp.

References CHECK_EQUAL, CHECK_ERR, ErrorCode, example4, moab::Core::get_entities_by_handle(), moab::Core::get_entities_by_type_and_tag(), MBENTITYSET, read_file(), moab::Range::size(), and moab::Core::tag_get_handle().

Referenced by main().

    Core moab;
    read_file( moab, example4 );  // it should find 3 partitions
    // read partition sets
    Tag ptag;
    ErrorCode rval = moab.tag_get_handle( "PARALLEL_PARTITION", ptag );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    Range psets;
    rval = moab.get_entities_by_type_and_tag( 0, MBENTITYSET, &ptag, 0, 1, psets );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( 3, (int)psets.size() );
    Range ents_first_set;
    rval = moab.get_entities_by_handle( psets[0], ents_first_set );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( (int)ents_first_set.size(), 98 );

Definition at line 222 of file gmsh_test.cpp.

References CHECK_EQUAL, CHECK_ERR, dim, dim_tag, ErrorCode, example, moab::Range::front(), GEOM_DIMENSION_TAG_NAME, moab::Interface::get_entities_by_handle(), moab::Interface::get_entities_by_type(), moab::Interface::get_entities_by_type_and_tag(), moab::Interface::globalId_tag(), id_tag, mb, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, MBENTITYSET, MBQUAD, read_file(), moab::Range::size(), moab::Interface::tag_get_data(), and moab::Interface::tag_get_handle().

Referenced by main().

    ErrorCode rval;
    Core moab;
    Interface& mb = moab;
    read_file( moab, example );

    Tag dim_tag, id_tag;
    rval = mb.tag_get_handle( GEOM_DIMENSION_TAG_NAME, 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, dim_tag );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    id_tag = mb.globalId_tag();

    Range sets;
    rval = mb.get_entities_by_type_and_tag( 0, MBENTITYSET, &dim_tag, 0, 1, sets );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( 1, (int)sets.size() );
    EntityHandle set = sets.front();

    int dim;
    rval = mb.tag_get_data( dim_tag, &set, 1, &dim );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( 2, dim );

    int id;
    rval = mb.tag_get_data( id_tag, &set, 1, &id );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( 3, id );

    std::vector< EntityHandle > quads, contents;
    rval = mb.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBQUAD, quads );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    rval = mb.get_entities_by_handle( set, contents );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    std::sort( quads.begin(), quads.end() );
    std::sort( contents.begin(), contents.end() );
    CHECK_EQUAL( quads, contents );

Definition at line 197 of file gmsh_test.cpp.

References moab::Range::back(), CHECK_EQUAL, CHECK_ERR, ErrorCode, example5, moab::Range::front(), moab::Interface::get_entities_by_type_and_tag(), MATERIAL_SET_TAG_NAME, mb, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, MBENTITYSET, read_file(), moab::Range::size(), moab::Interface::tag_get_data(), and moab::Interface::tag_get_handle().

Referenced by main().

    ErrorCode rval;
    Core moab;
    Interface& mb = moab;
    read_file( moab, example5 );

    Tag mat_tag;
    rval = mb.tag_get_handle( MATERIAL_SET_TAG_NAME, 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, mat_tag );CHECK_ERR( rval );

    Range sets;
    rval = mb.get_entities_by_type_and_tag( 0, MBENTITYSET, &mat_tag, 0, 1, sets );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( 2, (int)sets.size() );

    EntityHandle set_101 = sets.front();
    EntityHandle set_102 = sets.back();

    int id;
    rval = mb.tag_get_data( mat_tag, &set_101, 1, &id );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( 101, id );

    rval = mb.tag_get_data( mat_tag, &set_102, 1, &id );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( 102, id );

Definition at line 170 of file gmsh_test.cpp.

References CHECK_EQUAL, CHECK_ERR, ErrorCode, example, moab::Range::front(), moab::Interface::get_entities_by_handle(), moab::Interface::get_entities_by_type(), moab::Interface::get_entities_by_type_and_tag(), MATERIAL_SET_TAG_NAME, mb, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, MBENTITYSET, MBQUAD, read_file(), moab::Range::size(), moab::Interface::tag_get_data(), and moab::Interface::tag_get_handle().

Referenced by main().

    ErrorCode rval;
    Core moab;
    Interface& mb = moab;
    read_file( moab, example );

    Tag mat_tag;
    rval = mb.tag_get_handle( MATERIAL_SET_TAG_NAME, 1, MB_TYPE_INTEGER, mat_tag );CHECK_ERR( rval );

    Range sets;
    rval = mb.get_entities_by_type_and_tag( 0, MBENTITYSET, &mat_tag, 0, 1, sets );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( 1, (int)sets.size() );
    EntityHandle set = sets.front();

    int id;
    rval = mb.tag_get_data( mat_tag, &set, 1, &id );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( 99, id );

    std::vector< EntityHandle > quads, contents;
    rval = mb.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBQUAD, quads );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    rval = mb.get_entities_by_handle( set, contents );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    std::sort( quads.begin(), quads.end() );
    std::sort( contents.begin(), contents.end() );
    CHECK_EQUAL( quads, contents );
void test_read_nodes ( )

Definition at line 61 of file gmsh_test.cpp.

References CHECK_EQUAL, CHECK_ERR, CHECK_REAL_EQUAL, eps, ErrorCode, example, moab::Interface::get_coords(), moab::Interface::get_entities_by_type(), moab::Interface::globalId_tag(), id_tag, mb, MBVERTEX, read_file(), and moab::Interface::tag_get_data().

Referenced by main().

    const double eps = 1e-100;
    ErrorCode rval;
    Core moab;
    Interface& mb = moab;
    read_file( moab, example );

    std::vector< EntityHandle > nodes;
    rval = mb.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBVERTEX, nodes );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( (size_t)6, nodes.size() );

    Tag id_tag = mb.globalId_tag();

    std::vector< int > ids( nodes.size() );
    rval = mb.tag_get_data( id_tag, &nodes[0], nodes.size(), &ids[0] );CHECK_ERR( rval );

    std::vector< int > sorted_ids( ids );
    std::sort( sorted_ids.begin(), sorted_ids.end() );

    std::vector< double > coords( 3 * nodes.size() );
    rval = mb.get_coords( &nodes[0], nodes.size(), &coords[0] );CHECK_ERR( rval );

    int idx, pos = 0;
    CHECK_EQUAL( pos + 1, sorted_ids[pos] );
    idx = std::find( ids.begin(), ids.end(), pos + 1 ) - ids.begin();
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( coords[3 * idx + 0], 0.0, eps );
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( coords[3 * idx + 1], 0.0, eps );
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( coords[3 * idx + 2], 0.0, eps );

    CHECK_EQUAL( pos + 1, sorted_ids[pos] );
    idx = std::find( ids.begin(), ids.end(), pos + 1 ) - ids.begin();
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( coords[3 * idx + 0], 1.0, eps );
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( coords[3 * idx + 1], 0.0, eps );
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( coords[3 * idx + 2], 0.0, eps );

    CHECK_EQUAL( pos + 1, sorted_ids[pos] );
    idx = std::find( ids.begin(), ids.end(), pos + 1 ) - ids.begin();
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( coords[3 * idx + 0], 1.0, eps );
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( coords[3 * idx + 1], 1.0, eps );
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( coords[3 * idx + 2], 0.0, eps );

    CHECK_EQUAL( pos + 1, sorted_ids[pos] );
    idx = std::find( ids.begin(), ids.end(), pos + 1 ) - ids.begin();
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( coords[3 * idx + 0], 0.0, eps );
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( coords[3 * idx + 1], 1.0, eps );
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( coords[3 * idx + 2], 0.0, eps );

    CHECK_EQUAL( pos + 1, sorted_ids[pos] );
    idx = std::find( ids.begin(), ids.end(), pos + 1 ) - ids.begin();
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( coords[3 * idx + 0], 2.0, eps );
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( coords[3 * idx + 1], 0.0, eps );
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( coords[3 * idx + 2], 0.0, eps );

    CHECK_EQUAL( pos + 1, sorted_ids[pos] );
    idx = std::find( ids.begin(), ids.end(), pos + 1 ) - ids.begin();
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( coords[3 * idx + 0], 2.0, eps );
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( coords[3 * idx + 1], 1.0, eps );
    CHECK_REAL_EQUAL( coords[3 * idx + 2], 0.0, eps );
void test_read_quads ( )

Definition at line 127 of file gmsh_test.cpp.

References CHECK_ARRAYS_EQUAL, CHECK_EQUAL, CHECK_ERR, ErrorCode, example, moab::Interface::get_connectivity(), moab::Interface::get_entities_by_type(), moab::Interface::globalId_tag(), id_tag, mb, MBQUAD, read_file(), swap(), and moab::Interface::tag_get_data().

Referenced by main().

    ErrorCode rval;
    Core moab;
    Interface& mb = moab;
    read_file( moab, example );

    std::vector< EntityHandle > quads;
    rval = mb.get_entities_by_type( 0, MBQUAD, quads );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( (size_t)2, quads.size() );

    Tag id_tag = mb.globalId_tag();

    std::vector< int > ids( quads.size() );
    rval = mb.tag_get_data( id_tag, &quads[0], quads.size(), &ids[0] );CHECK_ERR( rval );

    if( ids[0] != 1 )
        std::swap( ids[0], ids[1] );
        std::swap( quads[0], quads[1] );

    int vtx_ids[4];
    const EntityHandle* conn;
    int len;

    const int conn1[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
    int pos           = 0;
    CHECK_EQUAL( pos + 1, ids[pos] );
    rval = mb.get_connectivity( quads[pos], conn, len );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( 4, len );
    rval = mb.tag_get_data( id_tag, conn, len, vtx_ids );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_ARRAYS_EQUAL( conn1, 4, vtx_ids, len );

    const int conn2[] = { 2, 5, 6, 3 };
    CHECK_EQUAL( pos + 1, ids[pos] );
    rval = mb.get_connectivity( quads[pos], conn, len );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_EQUAL( 4, len );
    rval = mb.tag_get_data( id_tag, conn, len, vtx_ids );CHECK_ERR( rval );
    CHECK_ARRAYS_EQUAL( conn2, 4, vtx_ids, len );
void test_read_t1 ( )

Definition at line 260 of file gmsh_test.cpp.

References example3, and read_file().

Referenced by main().

    Core moab;
    read_file( moab, example3 );

Variable Documentation

const char example2[] = "airfoil_exterior.msh" [static]

Definition at line 22 of file gmsh_test.cpp.

Referenced by test_read_airfoil().

const char example3[] = "t1.msh" [static]

Definition at line 23 of file gmsh_test.cpp.

Referenced by test_read_t1().

const char example4[] = "ghosts.msh" [static]

Definition at line 24 of file gmsh_test.cpp.

Referenced by test_read_fgh().

const char example5[] = "gmsh3.msh" [static]

Definition at line 25 of file gmsh_test.cpp.

Referenced by test_read_material_on_nodes().

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